What is Brahma Yoga


Brahma Yoga is unlike other types of yoga in that its roots lie in Vedic astrology and Hindu. The effects of Brahma Yoga relies on many outside and interconnected factors, all directly influenced by Vedic astrology. With countless types of yogas, Brahma Yoga relies on the various positions of planets to dictate the type of yoga to be practiced.

Origins of Brahma

Brahma is a part of the Hindi trinity, which contains Brahma, or the Creator, Vishnu, who the Preserver, and Shiva, also known as the Destroyer. According to the lore, he was hatched from an egg made of gold, with four heads and four arms. In the views of Hindi, the days and years are used to measure the timeline of creation. It should be noted however that although Brahma is the God of creation, he does not alter, harm nor transform creation itself.

Brahma relies heavily on balance, which is why those who practice this type of yoga, though there natal chart may advise otherwise, may suffer from aspects of life which are far from harmonious.

The face of Brahma contains four parts, three are a unit in addition to four hands. The Brahma is a symbol of great knowledge. This is a vital aspect practicing Brahma Yoga. Knowledge is gained from the Vedas. Vedas are large, dense texts.These Vedas bring a special significance when applied to the yoga practice. One of the most common insights offered through the Vedas is piousness, exhibited deeply in those who practice this form.

Interestingly, Brahma is the least worshipped of all in the trinity. Few temples are erected in his honor, and compared to his other two counterparts, he appears at times to be nothing more than a mere footnote.

When Brahma Yoga Occurs

Considered a auspicious form of yoga, whether or not Brahma should be practices can be decided at birth, by studying ones natal chart. It is widely used if guru and sukra are seen in kendras either from the lords of the 9th and 11th houses.

This yoga, influenced by the zodiac, occurs when If Jupiter and Venus are in certain kneaders in the ascent, and to the lord of either the fifth or the eleventh house.

Benefits of Brahma Yoga

If in your birth chart you have Brahma yoga, you are blessed with a great academic intellect, wisdom, wealth, excellent health and high social status. They will also be blessed with a long life, a compassionate heart and a charitable soul.

Signs Which Should Avoid Brahma Yoga

There are certain signs however where Brahma is not viewed as a favorable practice.

For example, those born under the Aries sign cannot benefit from this yoga as it is not aligned properly. Under Aries, the lord of the 9th is Jupiter, and in Jupiters position from the angle, the 9th lord is not in position, and thus does not count.

For those born under the Cancer sign, there are two elements needed to be able to partake in Brahma Yoga, and they are missing from those born under this element. The two missing from the 9th and 11th would be Jupiter and Venus, which are necessary in benefitting from Brahma.

For Sagittarius or those born under Virgo, the yoga will not be able to reach its maximum potential because in Virgo, Mercury becomes the lord of the 10th, while in Sagittarius Mercury and Venus become lords of the 10th and 11th which is not feasible.

Thus, it can be concluded that Brahma Yoga may be a very likely possibility in all the signs with the exceptions of Aries, Cancer, and Virgo.

Brahma Yoga Asanas

Brahma Mudra is one of the most practiced asanas, and with good reason. Not a a tremendously difficult sequence, it nevertheless lies up to the Brahma Yoga beliefs of harmony and creating stability and balance. Brahma Mudra offers a gentle release in the neck and shoulder regions, and also stimulates memory, tranquility and calmness. All elements necessary in creating harmony and balance.

This pose relies on breathing and meditation. Soften your gaze, allow the breath to settle into the diaphragm allowing your shoulders and neck to naturally drop. Upon an exhale, allow the head gently fall towards the back of the body, lengthening the back of your neck rather than contracting it. Allow your gaze to fall on the tip of your nose, maintaining the softness.

Next, gently move your gaze and neck side to side, looking past your right should and left. It is important to take notice that your gaze remains soft and and your spine, though soft and well, is not slumped.

After this sequence, drop the chin to the chest, focusing your eyes between the eyebrows. Breathe as though you are breathing from the middle point between your eyebrows. Upon each release of breath, you should notice a change in your body.

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