Home Living


Activating The Lymphatic System

It may be a revelation for many of us that - other than the blood which circulates in the body - there is another...

The Healthy Millet

2023 was the international year of Millets.   In these times of global challenges of growing and supplying food that is high in nutrition and...

Cleansing the 5 Elements

Everything that we see around us is made up of five fundamental elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space (or Aakaash).  In the...

A Resolution to be Joyful

In this vast universe there is no such thing as “Old Year” and “New Year”. These are man-made time measures because we need milestones...

Becoming a “Devotee”

The word devotion evokes different responses in people.  For some, it is something that they hold above everything else in their life.  For others,...

Healthy digestive system during festivals

This time of the year is my favorite. I'm sure many of you would agree that the festive vibe in the air is unmissable....

To Be Like a Child

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would say something like, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will...

Gifts of Forgiveness

Forgiveness shows up everywhere in positive psychology, self-help programs, and 12-step programs.  In most people’s minds, the concept is pretty simple – someone wronged...

Having Goals

We are often taught that we need to set goals so that we have mileposts that we can work towards.  It’s a fundamental part...

Looping into Authenticity

In chasing happiness, we have a tendency to want to tack things onto our lives – new experiences, possessions, and stature.  These are external...