Healthy digestive system during festivals


This time of the year is my favorite. I’m sure many of you would agree that the festive vibe in the air is unmissable. There is a reason to celebrate every month- Halloween, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. Many of us will stay up longer than usual and indulge in merry-making while relishing gourmet food, sweets, and much more.

Celebrations are a great way to get a break from the monotonous lives. However, we also tend to exert too much pressure on our bodies and minds. It can have an impact on not just physical well-being but also mental health. Many times, we also break our health routines, such as going to gym, doing yoga or meditation, which are especially important to maintain balance during the festive season.

In this video, Dr. Hansaji Yogendra of The Yoga Institute talks about detoxifying the digestive system with some easy-to-follow Yogasanas.

How to Cleanse Intestine Naturally at Home with these Asanas | Detox Digestive System| Home Remedies – YouTube

The doctor shares the following six asanas that anyone without any chronic diseases may follow in the sequence and repeat each of the asanas six times:

  1. Talasana stretches the tissues of the digestive system.
  2. Konasana (variation) gently massages the abdominal muscles.
  3. Vakrasana twists the abdomen.
  4. Kati Chakrasana provides a twist to the mid-vertebral column.
  5. Triyaka Bhujangasana (variation to classic bhujangasana) will exert pressure on the abdomen and massage the digestive organs.
  6. Udarakarshan for abdominal compression. This asana may be skipped by people suffering from knee pain or who have undergone knee surgeries.

The video provides a step-by-step guidance on how and when to perform these asanas and who can do it. The doctor does not recommend the Yogasanas for anyone suffering from chronic diseases.

Celebrations are an important aspect of the social nature of humankind. And food is an essential part of most cultural festivals. With proper yogic tools and techniques, we can enjoy these joyous moments with utmost enthusiasm.


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