Home Sleeping


Sleep Tips To Wake Up Rested

After a long day we look forward to a night of restful and deep sleep.  Waking up the next day after deep sleep is...

Can’t Sleep?

Getting a good night’s rest seems to be more and more elusive.  Store shelves are full of sleep aid prescriptions.  According to Allied Market...

The Ineffable

Have you ever wondered why spiritual masters will remain silent on what they are personally experiencing, or if they do speak about it, they...

Yoga for sound sleep

In these busy times, sleep is a precious commodity.  Both students and adults experience day to day pressures causing undue stress which eventually affects...

How to Relax and Sleep Well

Feeling stressed and exhausted can not only make you irritable but also make it difficult for you to fall asleep and remain asleep. You...

Unlocking your Sleep cycle code

At night most of us snuggle into bed to read a book or watch our favorite TV show, before we fall asleep. Some people...

Making Sense of Sleep

We have all had those nights of not enough sleep, and the groggy day after.  We all know how important sleep is, and medical...

Counting sheep …. No Deep Sleep!!!

Remember the days, when you came home after a long exhausting day. You had been driving all day, running errands. All day on your...

Bedtime Meditation To “Sleep Like a Baby”

Sleep is perhaps the number one healer of ailments.  Whether we have a cold, fever, allergies, or body aches and pains, sleep does wonders...

Simple Guide to Sleep Meditation

With the current pace and activity of life, stress is high for many people.  During the workweek, many are unable to sleep restfully, and...