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Yoga Benefits

International Yoga Day Challenge

Ever since the United Nations proclaimed June 21st as the International Day of Yoga in 2014, the popularity of yoga has grown exponentially.  Since...

Join The Yoga Challenge

Let’s look at what Yoga is not.  Yoga is not an ideology, philosophy or a concept to weave theories about. While logic and intellect...

Yoga for Plantar Fasciitis

According to Cleveland Clinic, Plantar fasciitis is inflammation in the plantar fascia in your foot. It’s the most common cause of heel pain. The...

Precision in Yoga

Have you noticed that the highest quality output requires absolute precision?  Whether in manufacturing, or engineering, or programming… to achieve the most efficient and...

What is Angamardhana?

Just as there are countless fitness regimens in the world, yoga counts Angamardhana as part of its fitness system.  But really, it’s not about...

Get Yourself A Yoga Brain

Have you ever wondered why some people even in their 80's and 90's are active, alert, cognizant of their surroundings, and have their memory...

Kriya for Respiratory and Immune Health

More esoteric aspects of yoga are beginning to become part of our everyday vernacular.  Initially yoga in the west was actually Hatha Yoga but...

The Mystery of 3:40 AM

We have heard that sunrise, and sunset, as well as noon, are optimal times for yogic practices.  More specifically, 20 minutes before and after...

Asanas to increase Lung capacity

When a friend faced a sudden and unwelcome transfer to a European country where she didn’t know the language, where the winters were frigid...

Is Laughter the best Medicine?

People say that laughter is the best medicine.  We may have heard of instances where people who are happy and joyful heal themselves naturally. ...