Keep Illnesses At Bay with Downward Dog Everyday

Adho mukha Svanasana or the downward dog pose is a very easy and simple yoga asana or pose, but also quite potent. If you...

Eat right, rejuvenate right!

It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot. Did we mention… it’s hot? We’re not just talking about the weather, but about the trending topic for...

Clean The Self Clutter – Sacral Chakra Healing

If you  have been going through feelings of isolation, excessively emotional or having emotional outbursts, out of touch with yourself and your feelings, sexual...

Musical journey of Serenity

Walk down the memory lane. You drove to the beach, without checking the weather forecast. As you step into the luxurious white sands to...

Love Yourself, Love Life

True love is unconditional, and that’s the only kind of love you deserve.  Everything else is a transaction.  So loving yourself truly means that...

Mom and Baby Yoga: take baby steps back to fitness!

Becoming a new mom, whether with your first or a subsequent child, is, without any doubt, a strange place to be. As a new...

Positive Charge for the Mind – I Am Possible

When encountering a new situation, how we deal with it is a good indication of how we tend to think.  Approaching it with negativity...

A headstart on beating your headache: Yoga for headaches

We’ve all been at that moment: we’re right in the middle of something important, and just when we need to focus most keenly, suddenly,...

To Be Or Not To Be – Self-Conscious

A universal story we all can relate to. You were in college when you went to audition for the news anchor job. It was...

Kriya Yoga – The Ultimate Key To Spiritual Evolution

Of all the types of yoga, Kriya Yoga is said to be the most potent. It is certainly not for the faint of heart;...

Self-Actualization and What Comes Next

Perhaps you’ve heard of self-actualization in the popular media – most often it refers to Maslow’s ground-breaking work on human motivation, published in 1943. ...

Take your first step to Walking Yoga

From those first faltering steps as we push ourselves upright, we all turn into walkers. We walk to our homes, to our schools, to...