Invest Joyfully in Mental Muscles: Concentration & Will power
“Practice makes a Man Perfect”
We can practice to build Focus and Will Power in our daily lives. Concentration means to give undivided attention to...
Dynamic Power of Discipline
An alarm rings in the morning. Our mind slyly tells us to hit the snooze button so that we can sleep for another five...
Harnessing the Power of the Mind
Humans are powerful beings. A few wise people who realized this truth did something fantastic for themselves and for the world. So what makes...
Improving Focus and Concentration
The alarm goes off in the morning. You hit the snooze button to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. Then all of a...
Have You Heard of Sophrology?
Sophrology might sound like a new fad, but it has been around for fifty years. A Colombian professor of psychiatry and neurology by the...
Musical journey of Serenity
Walk down the memory lane. You drove to the beach, without checking the weather forecast. As you step into the luxurious white sands to...
Positive Charge for the Mind – I Am Possible
When encountering a new situation, how we deal with it is a good indication of how we tend to think. Approaching it with negativity...
Bring “Abundance” Into Your Life
Abundance is all around us. If we look outside we find countless things - grass, worms, insects, etc. The universe is an ever growing...
Subvert The Subconscious Mind
There is a lot of conversation going on about the mind these days. Thought indulgence, calming the mind, mindfulness, consciousness and the like. The...
Growing Patience
The world would be a better place if we exercised a bit more patience. There are a number of occasions in our life where...