3 Tibetan Meditation Techniques


The Tibetan meditation techniques are based on focus and open monitoring. There is also a third one which we are going to call effortless presence. Let us look at each and see how they are achieved.

1. Focused Attention Tibetan Meditation

Under this type of meditation, the focus is on one object. The focus is usually so intense that one tends to go into a trance. There is a flow that is strong, eliminating any kind of distraction. Depth and steadiness are developed as a result. Chakra meditation, samatha and sound meditation are few examples of focused attention meditation practiced in Tibetan meditation.

2. Open Monitoring

This is the opposite of focused meditation. One keeps the focus open to many things, not just one object. During this kind of focused monitoring, one eliminates any aspect of attachment or judgement to one’s experiences. We generally react to internal thoughts and perceptions without getting involved in them. Vipassana and mindfulness meditation and Taoist meditation are excellent examples of this kind of open monitoring meditation. Buddhists in Tibet practice this kind of meditation.

3. Effortless Meditation

This is the third type of Tibetan meditation whereby we focus on no particular thing. In other words, we repose on anything that we put our mind to. During this state, we are introverted, steady, quiet and empty. We make what we call choice- less awareness. This is the kind of awareness that informs the meditation quotes that we read about.

The truth of the matter is that effortless meditation forms the foundation for all kinds of meditations. It would thus be correct to say that effortless meditation is not itself a form of meditation but a representation of others.

The pure presence is what you are left with when you remove the attention and the object. This implies that the other techniques of meditation mentioned earlier merely train our minds to focus on the deeper consciousness and peaceful state of mind.

However, it is important to point out that Mahamudra, self-inquiry, Raja Yoga and some selected Taoist meditations have this effortless meditation as their basis right from the onset. Buddhist meditation or Zen meditation is a kind of meditation which is practiced whilst seated.Buddhist usually sit on mats with a cushion. The legs are kept in crossed position. The tradition practice was the full lotus or half-lotus positions which have changed over the years.One can, in fact, sit on a chair when practicing it.

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