What are Nadis in Yoga


Yoga is a tradition that is rooted in ancient tradition and history. It had many types and concept involved. All of which revolve around the central idea of making some sort of change in the mind and body of the yogi. For over 3,000 years, Nadis have been used in Yoga. It is believed that there are more than 100,000’s of Nadis in the human body. In Sanskrit, Nadi means tube or pipe. In the practice of Yoga, Nadis are networks of channels that energy flows through.

The energy that flows through these channels are called prana. Prana is circulated through Nadis via breathing exercises and chanting. The life force energies that flow through the channels influence the casual body, subtle body, and the physical body. Not the mention mental health influences. There are three fundamental Nadis that most types of Yoga focus on.

1. Ida

Ida, which means comfort, is the nurturing and feminine part of personality. It is located on the left side of the spine in relation to the Ganges river in which it emulates. The energy produced by this Nadi is lunar energy and it also has a cooling effect that washes over you like the river it corresponds with. Ida is also associated with mental energy.

2. Pingala

Pingala translates to “tawny” or “Brown/golden”. Ida and Pingala are meant to work hand in hand. Pingala is the opposite of Ida. Pingala is the burning heat of solar energy, and the display of our masculine parts of personality. Pingala corresponds with the Yamuna river and lies on the right side if the spine.

3. Sushumna

Sushumna means gracious or kind and it is at the center of it everything. Sushamna runs along the center of the spinal cord and it connects with all of the 7 chakras. This Nadi is associated with spiritual awareness and source of balancing the Nadis and Chakras within your body.

The goal of Hatha Yoga is to keep a health balance between the three Nadis. This is achieved through breathing exercise, chanting, and meditation. The idea is for the Nadis to all work together in tandem. However, in order for any of this to work, your Nadis cannot be blocked. If a Nadi is blocked, then the prana cannot flow through to the rest of your body and your physical and mental health will take a hit. There are special breathing exercises with the sole purpose of purifying your Nadis, making it easier for prana you travel. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is an alternative nostril breathing exercise that clears up Your Nadis and Chakras.

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