The Truth About Eating Disorders


Eating Disorders are usually seen as lifestyle choices, fads. But they are not passing phases.
They are serious mental illnesses which are at times fatal according to ‘The Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders'( a handbook published by American Psychiatric Association, used by healthcare professionals in America and across the globe).

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders are influenced by genetic and environmental factors.
They are a pattern of unhealthy eating habits, either indulging excessively in food or fasting,
and forced purging.

According to Academy of Eating Disorders, there are three types of Eating Disorders
1. Anorexia Nervosa
2. Bulimia Nervosa
3. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified( EDNOS)

Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa do not have a healthy body weight and are usually less than 85% of their expected weight. Despite the fact that they are underweight, they are fearful of weight-gain. They do not admit the seriousness of their weight-loss. They either eat less or exercise excessively. They also might self-induced vomiting.

Individuals with Bulimia Nervosa experience binge-eating, where they eating large amounts of food compulsively and find it extremely difficult to control eating. This feeling of lack of control makes binge-eating different from regular over eating.
Individuals with Bulimia Nervosa purge forcefully and resort to misuse of laxatives, enemas, excessive exercise.

Individuals with Binge-Eating Disorder indulge in Binge-Eating but do not resort to unhealthy purging activities or fasting. They are usually obese or overweight.

Osteoporosis, Gastrointestinal complications, dental problems are most common health consequences of eating disorders.
About 1 in 20 young women have eating disorder.
Genetics, Environment, personality are all causes of developing an eating disorder.
Cultural values of thinness may play a role in increasing the chances of having an eating disorder.
Anorexia Nervosa has 3 times higher rate of suicide than depression.

Treating Eating Disorders
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by family doctor has been helpful in most cases.
The sooner they are treated the better their chances of good recovery.

Can Yoga And Meditation Help in Combating Eating Disorders
Yoga and meditation have immense benefits and help in overcoming eating disorders but individuals with disorders are first very strongly recommended to consult a medical professional.
Practising Yoga and Meditation for a few minutes everyday, one can get a certain sense of control over themselves. Making Yoga a habit every day, sitting in asanas, holding a yoga-pose when you want to roll in bed, not only brings a sense of calmness and pleasantness, but also a certain sense of control and will, which slowly shows effect in all aspects of life. This will or self-control cultured will help individuals eat a little less during binge eating episode or become a little less obsessed to starve.

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