47 Quotes About Similarities and Differences


Comparing yourself to others can leave you feeling like you are never good enough. These quotes about similarities and differences will remind us of the things that bind us together in uniqueness.

“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.”

“And as journalists we look for differences – differences between countries, cultures, classes, and communities. We’re very sensitized to difference, but it’s much harder to write about similarities across countries, cultures, classes, and communities.”

“But the key to our marriage is the capacity to give each other a break. And to realize that it’s not how our similarities work together; it’s how our differences work together.”

“Every cancer looks different. Every cancer has similarities to other cancers. And we’re trying to milk those differences and similarities to do a better job of predicting how things are going to work out and making new drugs.”

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”

“Human spirit is the ability to face the uncertainty of the future with curiosity and optimism. It is the belief that problems can be solved, differences resolved. It is a type of confidence. And it is fragile. It can be blackened by fear and superstition.”

“I don’t think you can bring the races together by joking about the differences between them. I’d rather talk about the similarities, about what’s universal in their experiences.”

“I liked the energy of cooking, the action, the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it.”

“I love new places, new people, new ideas. I love cultural differences, and I’m fascinated by the truth – all the different versions of it.”

“I studied to be an architect. And I find tremendous similarities between building a company and the design process. Businesses have to do their planning on the fly in a fashion similar to an architect sketching.”

“I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences.”

“I try to find some similarities between myself and the characters, even if it’s the tiniest thing.”

“If there are similarities, it’s simply because the same thoughts that occurred to other people also occurred to me. I’d be astonished if anyone could come up with any truly original powers that were at all interesting any more.”

“If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.”

“I’m not dead and I don’t have blue hair but some people say there are similarities. It is usually intolerable to watch myself onscreen but this time it’s fine. I think it’s beautiful and a real work of art.”

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

“One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge.”

“One of the things people don’t really recognise about the similarities between country and hip-hop is that they’re celebrations of pride in a lifestyle.”

“People are pretty much alike. It’s only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.”

“People like her because she’s like a breath of fresh air. Because in the fifth book it gets so dark and Harry’s always cross and then every time Luna comes in all the tension goes and she makes you laugh because she’s so funny and really honest. I don’t know how much I’m like her, there are some similarities but I’m more determined than her.”

“Research shows that couples who have a lot of similarities, including intellectual compatibility, end up staying together.”

“Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can’t remember what they are.”

“Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.”

“Sometimes I think that creativity is a matter of seeing, or stumbling over, unobvious similarities between things – like composing a fresh metaphor, but on a more complex scale.”

“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.”

“Superficial similarities exist between Christianity and some ancient pagan religions. But careful study reveals that there are far more dissimilarities.”

“The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity, and it’s love.”

“The similarities are limited but real. They amount to a shared disgust with politics as usual in America. The Tea Party focuses on the federal government; Occupy Wall Street focuses on corporate America and its influence over the government.”

“The toughest thing about the power of trust is that it’s very difficult to build and very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities between you and the customer.”

“The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country.”

“The whole world is global. With the Internet, it’s like we’re all living in a small village. We’re starting more and more to realize there is no difference, we can work together, we can put aside our differences and work on our similarities and be successful in that way.”

“There are a lot of similarities between dancing and wrestling. The costumes are the same, the spandex and all that, but you have to be light on your feet to do both, and you have to remember choreography.”

“There are similarities between being an editor and a tailor. Tailors have a vast supply of fabrics, buttons and thread at their disposal and put it together to make a whole. That’s what an editor does – looks at society at a given time and pulls together the interesting aspects into a single issue each month.”

“There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign – the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity.”

“There are so many ways to approach a character. You have to figure out the similarities between you and the character, build on them, and at the same time, blur the dissimilarities. Since you do it day in and day out, it becomes a process and a part of you.”

“We come in many different shapes and sizes, and we need to support each other and our differences. Our beauty is in our differences.”

“We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common – which is – we all want to be happy.”

“We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not.”

“We live in a society that celebrates familial connection above any other kind of relationship. We are shown photos of our great-grandparents and encouraged to marvel over facial similarities. We are told to take pride in our bloodlines, celebrate our ancestry.”

“We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust, but of strength and inspiration.”

“We will not agree on every issue. But let us respect those differences and respect one another. Let us recognize that we do not serve an ideology or a political party; we serve the people.”

“What we have to do… is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities.”

“While women across the globe have many differences – language, culture, environment – our similarities are undeniable, and the impact of abuse and oppression affects us all.”

“Women apparently are quite drawn to men who have differences rather than similarities in their histocompatibility system. They pick it up by smell, and they can pick it up from kissing.”

“You perhaps know me as a novelist. Literature is one of the arts – in fact, the noblest of the arts. That is not my opinion; it was first expressed by the ancients. As art, literature has many similarities with the other art forms.”

“You’re always going to sound like yourself, but you can make really strong attempts to keep some similarities, but move away from what you did before for popularity’s sake.”

“You’ve got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.”

Comparing ourselves to others does little to ignite a positive self image.

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