33 Quotes About Being Taken for Granted


There are many things we take for granted on a daily basis. These quotes about being taken for granted will remind you to show appreciation and find value in the smallest of things.

“All your youth you want to have your greatness taken for granted; when you find it taken for granted, you are unnerved.”

“Being dumped, cheated on and taken for granted is why many people choose to be single.”

“Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element in another person’s life.”

“Being taken for granted is an unpleasant but sincere form of praise. Ironically, the more reliable you are, and the less you complain, the more likely you are to be taken for granted.”

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”

“Education is taken for granted. Teaching shops are different from building character.”

“Even the most caring people can get tired of being taken for granted.”

“Hanging with people who make you feel unappreciated, for the mere sake of appearing to be popular, is the loneliest place to be.”

“He who undervalues himself is justly undervalued by others.”

“I believe that it’s better to be looked over than it is to be overlooked.”

“I don’t like being taken for granted anywhere in life. I don’t want my vote taken for granted.”

“I see myself as a flashlight in the dark. I’m not trying to be overlooked anymore.”

“I still make sure to go, at least once every year, to a country where things cannot be taken for granted, and where there is either too much law and order or too little.”

“I was overlooked long before anyone knew who I was.”

“If they don’t appreciate your presence, perhaps you should try giving them your absence.”

“If they don’t respect, appreciate and value you, then they don’t deserve you.”

“If we don’t feel appreciated, we don’t feel loved.”

“If you would be unloved and forgotten, be reasonable.”

“I’m not a social retard, but I prefer to go unnoticed.”

“It was taken for granted that we had to make something of ourselves. Not much was said about it; it was just in the atmosphere of the home.”

“It’s simple. Women only nag when they feel unappreciated.”

“My biggest fear in life is to be forgotten.”

“Nobody is forgotten, when it is convenient to remember him.”

“Nothing should be taken for granted, even if everybody believes it.”

“Staying with someone who doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, its stupidity.”

“The popular will cannot be taken for granted, it must be created.”

“There is absolutely nothing that can be taken for granted in this world.”

“There’s a lot of days where you feel forgotten.”

“There’s a world out there that nobody has bothered to promise her.”

“When you’re always there for people they stop appreciating you because your favors are now an expectation.”

“Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.”

“You don’t need to waste your time on someone who only wants you around when it fits their needs.”

“Your talent is your art. It is not to be taken for granted.”

There are many things we spend a long time earning such as an education that makes it an important achievement to remember.

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