How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home


By practicing yoga at home, you can not only hone your skills and moves on the mat, but also get another regular workout into your weekday schedule, which is easy and fun. The majority of yoga fans believe in attending professional classes and might think that some practice done at home cannot compare to the sequences done in class. However, it is never a waste of time to plan your home yoga workout even when you are attending classes regularly coordinated by professionals. Creating your own yoga practice at home is much easier than you would think. So let’s jump in and see a few tips on rolling out your mat at home.

1. Start out slow

Don’t rush it! Before you’d go for those beloved moves and poses to fire your day up, get into a comfortable position and dedicate some time to listen to your body. If you start out slow, you will have time to concentrate on yourself, get into a relaxed state of mind and decide on your first initial moves of the day based on what you feel to be the best one.

2. Listen to your body

If you have followed the first step, by the time you are doing your first pose you will be aware how your body feels and what it is up to. Decide on your daily style by focusing on your immediate needs. In case you are all fired up, work in some more vigorous poses, however, if your body feels like it is in need of some regeneration, go for a restorative practice.

3. Set a goal

Before you would roll out your mat to enjoy the morning sun, always decide on a goal for that day’s practice. By setting up goals each and every day, you will find that it makes it easier to focus on your practice. Either if you are planning to work on one of your poses, or concentrate on specific body parts, or just simply clear your thoughts, your success will be guaranteed.

4. Your beloved poses

To keep your motivation up, work with poses that you love and don’t push yourself to finally do that handstand you always dreamt of. By working some poses you love into your routine, your spirit will be higher, helping you keep your motivation high.

5. Find the right space and time

Setting up the right plan is vital, but finding the spacious corner of your room, which gives you those right feels that you are after is even more important. Pick a point in your room and try to separate it from the rest of the space, to create your own yoga corner. Choosing a dedicated are that you will return to, can have a positive affect on your daily practice at home. Don’t worry if you don’t have more than 10 minutes before the morning rush, even that can make a huge difference for the rest of your day.

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