How to Run a Yoga Studio


These days, there are many options available for yoga enthusiasts seeking a studio to settle into. Fortunately, as a studio owner (or aspiring studio owner), there are also a number of ways to stand out from the crowd. One of those ways is by going green, a trend that is being globally embraced.

The benefits of creating and running a “green” yoga studio are two-fold: one, you get the benefits of saving money on utilities and pleasing your customer base; two, you can improve your carbon footprint and help out the environment.

Energy Efficiency

There are several ways to run an energy-efficient studio by using your lighting to your advantage. The changes are not too hard to make, and the benefits can be huge!

Going low tech – Using candles placed around the room not only saves electricity, it can also create a relaxing atmosphere.

Good timing – Running classes in the mornings and late afternoons/evenings has the advantage of avoiding the heat of the day. You can save money and energy by not using the air conditioner as much; this also works well for people who work 9-5 jobs, since they can work it into their busy schedule a bit easier. If you can manage it, shutting down fully for a few hours in the middle of the day will really get the desired effect. You’ll save on the electricity bill, and also not have to pay someone to work reception for those slower hours.

The bulbs matter – By switching all light bulbs in the building to energy efficient bulbs, you can save quite a bit of energy. Depending on where you live, your local government may offer rewards for using energy-efficient lighting or even free light bulbs!

Water Use

Equally as important as lowering your energy usage is preventing water from going to waste. While this one can seem a little trickier at first than the lighting, it doesn’t need to be a daunting undertaking.

Low-Flow Appliances – By installing low-flow toilets and sinks you reduce the overall amount of water passing through your building, thus lowering your water bill every month.

Composting toilets – If you want to go more hard-core with your level of “greenness,” this is an excellent option. Some people are put off just hearing the words “composting toilet,” but don’t be scared! Sure, this one might be more for studios with very eco-conscious customers, but the setup is simple. Most modern composting toilets are run by a simple crank device, so you just turn the crank instead of flushing. They use zero water, so if you can handle the concept it’s worth it!

Signage – Another way to lower water usage is to simply ask your customers to use less. People know that saving water is a good thing; sometimes they simply need to be reminded. Placing friendly reminder signs around the restrooms is an easy way to help your water bill.

Rain barrels – No matter what climate you live in, rain barrels are very useful. They allow you to save whatever water you get in dry areas or stock up often if you live in a wetter region.

Trash Reduction

Another huge component of going green is reducing the amount of trash we create. Most people have heard of the Pacific Garbage Patch; it’s become pretty clear that we all need to reduce the level of waste we produce. Luckily, there are ways your studio can pitch in.

Water bottles – Anyone who is exercising is going to have a water bottle. Staying hydrated is extremely important, but using lots of disposable water bottles is unnecessary. If you install a water bottle filling station and encourage your customers to bring reusable bottles, you can reduce the amount of plastic used.

Composting – A lot of people will bring snacks, or maybe hang around after the class is over. If you encourage or offer healthy snacks like bananas or other fruits and veggies, having a compost container is a great way to reduce waste.

Bring in Some Life

What green studio would be complete without some plant life in it? Now that you’ve made all the needed adjustments to your facility, it’s time to add the finishing touches.

Breathe life in – Plants naturally remove carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen. Placing plants around the room doesn’t just look good- it gives you better air quality.

Grow the good stuff – While decorative plants are great, what’s even better is having plants that give back to you. For example, growing a mint plant would be great for adding fresh mint to your after-class tea.

Full circle – If you have set up a compost bin for your plant waste, you can use that for your studio plants. Compost is a long-term commitment, but it pays off in the end and can be a fun way for your customers to participate and feel an even deeper connection with your studio.

There are so many ways, big and small, that you can set your yoga studio up to be eco-friendly. Whether you do just one or two things from this list or go all the way, you are sure to cut costs, make your customers happy, and have a positive impact on our planet.

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