What is Fitness Yoga


Have you ever wondered why so many people practice yoga? How does sitting motionless help you to improve, well, anything? Surprisingly, yoga can be a synonym of harmony, self-awareness and health. As its meaning from Sanskrit is “union”, it teaches how to achieve a strong connection between the mind and the body. When this balance is finally created, you can call yourself a master in honoring your own spirit.

Yoga in the Centuries

Yoga was developed in Northern India by the Indus-Sarasvati, over 5000 years ago. This ancient civilization’s limited knowledge of the spiritual world, kept the specific yoga techniques for the most dedicated students. Firstly, mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, yoga was practiced among the mystic circles of society. The idea of sacrificing the ego for higher aims was the leading force back then.

Modern Yoga

Some people sharply criticize modern yoga, due to the fact that it’s undeniably a powerful and profitable business. Contrary to its peaceful origin, today yoga is practiced in crowded, often mirrored rooms. Although the main postures and poses are present in almost all of the classes, the atmosphere that is so distinctive for the spiritual practice, is lost somewhere in the past.

Fitness Yoga

Fitness yoga is a combination of traditional yoga postures, strength and stretch in a fitness program. It will surely improve your flexibility and strength, because all of its elements are validated from a classic fitness perspective. The modern techniques, together with the ancient poses, lead to understanding of the body, more effective and efficient moves, improved posture, confidence and self-awareness.

The traditional Buddhist teaching is used in a more social and contemporary model. The Sanskrit terms are left behind, but the postures are used along with the meditation and breathing techniques.

One of the many things, that are worth mentioning is that during a class, postures and moves are sequenced together with the help of music. It keeps you in the right moment and allows one more sense to take part.

Yoga is a process that simply reverses the outward of the ordinary flow of energy. Practicing it step-by-step allows you to be in touch with the Infinite Intelligence, Joy and Power. Once you start taking nothing for granted, you can land on the grounds of blind faith and seize the essence of your own self. And there are quite a lot of benefits to be found there.

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