Living in Awareness – A Deeper Look

We know a tenet of many spiritual traditions is living in awareness.  In modern times too, we hear a lot about living consciously.  Perhaps...

Tips for A Successful 2020

The new year has just begun and we have drawn up a few worthy goals to achieve before the year comes to a close.  ...

Yoga for Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem for a lot of people, half of healthy, active people over age 30 experience lower back pain.It can...

Just the recipe you need to make 2020 taste perfect!

The aftertaste of sugar from all those holiday desserts still hasn’t left us. All those resolutions which sounded so possible last night are shaded...

What is an Aura?

Our eyes can only see a tiny band across the whole electromagnetic field which spans from Gamma rays to X rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared,...

Get Fit Resolution For The New Year

Of all our commitments the New Year resolutions that we make for ourselves are perhaps the hardest to follow through for the whole year. ...

Head Or Heart – How to Decide?

Katie's parents were doctors and she was their only child.  Despite their lavish life-style Katie was level-headed, down to earth and very creative.  Right...

The link between physical and mental agility

Maybe this scenario sounds familiar to you: You’re sitting in a weekly update meeting at work, the head of your department has just finished...

Changing your Thinking

Does it sometimes feel like your mind is a little out of control… just chattering away with thoughts you didn’t ask for?  You might...

Can PCOS be Prevented?

For a lot of women the time of their monthly cycle is the most dreaded time of the month.  Those who have fewer menstrual...

The Magnanimity Of Giving

When the holiday season approaches, we get busy shopping for gifts for our near and dear.  We draw up a list of all the...

Buy And Eat Local

Supermarkets are almost functioning like mini-health centers and a one stop shop for a variety of wholesome fruits, vegetables, nuts and other exotic delicacies ...