How to Do Acro Yoga


The acro yoga is a physically demanding type of yoga that comes in various styles.The base and flyer in the acrobatic duel.The position of each of the two is influenced by the size. If you are bigger in size, you will find yourself inclined to the base position while the other person will assume the flyer position.

There is the spotter who is the third person in the acro yoga. This person can fit in any position due to flexibility in size. The work of this person is to stand on guard beside the flyer at the hips in case of a slip. When making each of the poses, one should ensure that they take 3 breaths.

The Plank Pose

This is a pose that involves the flyer and base. For the base, the hands are stretched one width apart while at the same time keeping the arms in a vertical and straight stance. In this position, the core of the body will be fully engaged.

The flyer will come next, facing the opposite side of the base. Grab their ankles and use your arms to press down. The foot is then lifted and brought closer to one’s base. The other foot is placed close to the shoulder of the base.

Plank Press Pose

The second one involves the base lying down with the feet parallel while bending the knees over the hips of the flyer.The flyer, on the other hand, will stand on the feet of the base while forming a T. Meanwhile, you must keep the body straight and firm. The abdominal area is at this point fully engaged.

Front Plank

This pose emphasizes on balance. The flyer leans forward to grab the hands of the base. The hands are kept straight away from the shoulders. To lift off, you will press on the ground.

The base, on the other hand, will stretch out the hands while holding the bent legs of the flyer in position.Gradually, the legs are stretched outwards so that they stack over the hips.

To achieve balance, the flyer lets go of the hands of the base. For more advanced midair poses, you can try the bow pose.

Base Test

This is the other style of the acro yoga where the base rests on your back while stacking their feet on the hips. The flyer follows by crossing arms and stacking them on the feet of the base.

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