How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure


Stress and pressure are normal in our everyday life especially at work. This happens when we are overwhelmed with lots of things we need to accomplish within a very short period of time. It is common for people who have not been able to manage time properly. As a result, there is a need to rush things beyond limit.

Nevertheless, it happens to all of us. Nobody is perfect. However, we can reduce the bad effects by managing stress and pressure. Stress is actually the result of pressure such as workload, peer pressure, commitments, and immediate responsibilities. To handle them, here are some tips you should take note:

1. Set Your Priorities

Our body is only one and the time we have can never be multiplied. Therefore, we can not do all things at the same time. To reduce stress, reduce your workload. This is possible by setting aside things that are not immediately needed. You can also reverse it and choose the ones that are not immediate, so you don’t have to rush them in the future.

2. Have a Break

Sometimes, you need to take a break. It is up to you how long. What is important is you can spend time to recharge yourself, so you can go on to your succeeding task with energy and enthusiasm.

3. Exercise

Physical exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress. It improves your blood circulation and makes you feel good. It can also increase your endurance and stamina.

4. Start Early

When you have something to do, do it right away. In this way, you can finish something in time. When you wake up early, there is a probability you can accomplish many things early, too. The rest of your time can be your free time.

5. Remove Unnecessary Activities

When you know your priorities, you know the things you should do first. However, it is wrong to prioritize things that are not necessary. Determine what is important and what is not. Remove those that are not important.


Nobody can escape stress. It is because it is inherent in human life. All we can do is to do something to manage it. When you love what you do, you do not actually eliminate stress. You only become able to endure it or reduce it. It is important that you are aware of its causes and the ways you should handle it. The above tips may help you handle it effectively.

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