Home Spiritual


Put Your Ego on a Diet

People are funny, there are parts of the world where there’s not enough food and people are trying to find more to eat, and...

God-sized Hole

A famous advertising executive once said, “We’re never going to make a commercial that says you’re okay, exactly as you are.”  For most people,...

Doing Yoga or In Yoga

We’ve all been there – running into the yoga studio, trying to fit the session into a hectic schedule.  And even as the body...

The New Year

This year has been very challenging for people across the world.  People have lost livelihoods, and some have lost loved ones.  As the normal...

Living Love

Often during the holidays, we are reminded of love.  It’s a time of giving, of remembering what’s important, of family, and love is of...

Practicing Awareness

We often hear of the expansion of awareness in various mystical traditions like Buddhism, Sufism, Yoga, and many others.  In our everyday experience, it...

Awakening to Who You Are

Mystics throughout the ages, and from every tradition, have expounded that we are One with all of existence.  This priceless knowledge is almost in...

Moving From Personality To Presence

Imagine you are in a meeting with teammates to discuss a very important project - one that is critical for the success of the...

Ojas – The Secret to Health

Why is it that some people never seem to get sick, not even a seasonal cold, and others are always sickly?  The secret is...

A Message

If spirit could speak to us directly, it might say the following: Your existence in human form has separated you from all of existence for...