Importance of Physical Exercise
As the world is moving towards automation, the technology is primarily used to enable equipment to run automatically with minimal human intervention. As technology...
The link between physical and mental agility
Maybe this scenario sounds familiar to you: You’re sitting in a weekly update meeting at work, the head of your department has just finished...
Losing Face Fat
Losing face fat is hard as it is one part of the body that cannot be isolated for an intense workout like the core...
No leg stretchers no problem!
If you love slow paced workout, where you can relax and breathe deeply, then you might want to consider stretches. Doing stretches not only...
Have a Latte after Pilate
Even though our body looks like a simple organism from the outside, it is an extremely complex, well-built and intricately arranged mechanism. We are...
7 Simple Flexibility Exercises
Flexibility is a wonderful thing. In fact we are born with it. Babies are perhaps the most flexible. Many a times we have seen...
Melting the Belly Jelly
Many new year resolutions are built around exercise to flatten the belly. But it may not be all that feasible due to many factors. ...
Stretch for Stronger Legs
A well-maintained body is a fantastic machine which will serve us well for as long as we live. Our entire upper body is resting...
Fun on the Ball
Using an exercise or yoga ball adds variety and fun to the workout. Yoga ball strengthens and stretches the body, improving core stability and...
Thank Goodness for Stretches
It is delightful to watch a cat stretch. A stretch that engages every muscle in its little body. Most times when the cats finish...