6 Stress Management Techniques in the Workplace


The workplace can trigger stress. With deadlines to meet, sales to increase and clients’ needs to deliver, it is easy for someone to suffer from chronic stress and eventually burn-out. If left unmanaged, this can lead to poor concentration, lack of sleep, anxiety and less productivity. By trying these suggestions, stress in the workplace will be abated and taken under control.

1. Take short breaks throughout the day.

Medical experts say that it is important to take at least five two-minute gaps within the day to take a deep breath and check on how you are doing. These can be done when you wake up, at 10 am, 2 pm, 4 pm and before going to bed. Short minute breaks can keep you away from stress, especially if your mind is already exhausted from thinking and processing all the information in your head. Interrupting your stress can help clear you mind and make you ready to go back to work again.

2. Do not react on what stresses you out.

Stress is part of work and is inevitable in the workplace. Instead of letting it get the best of you and affect your performance and your emotions, act on it. People get stressed when things go out of control and one seems to be helpless about it. What you need to do is to identify the situation and the things you can and cannot control. Do your best to be on top what you can manage and let go of what you have no control of.

3. Take power naps.

If you are stressed and tired at work, you can sleep even for at least 10 minutes during lunch time to rejuvenate. Some offices have sleeping quarters for employees because they know the benefits of taking a break and sleeping. Ensure that you are in a comfortable environment and away from distractions. After your power, your mind will feel refreshed as well as your body.

4. Ask about adjustments in your schedule.

With more employers being aware of the importance of work-life balance, there are companies that allow their employees to work from home for a day or two. If this is offered in the organization you work for, take advantage of working from home so you need not commute to work even for at least a day or couple of days. Commuting to work, especially if it takes more than 30 minutes to an hour can be stressful, particularly during rush hours. If you do not have to do this even for two day a week, this can reduce stress.

5. Practice relaxation techniques.

There are several meditation techniques you can do at the office to create a relaxation response and lessen stress in the workplace. You can even do this from your desk. Do some deep-breathing exercises to relax your mind and your muscles. Join yoga classes to calm your mind and you can practice some poses at the office.

6. De-clutter your desk.

It is helps to organize your desk and get rid of the clutter. Not only will it be easier for you to work and find your things but it will also be less stressful for you to have a clean desk.

Stress can result to severe damage to your health if it is not detected and managed earlier. By knowing the different ways to cope with it in the workplace, you can be more productive and happier at work.

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