26 Bikram Yoga Poses


Bikram Yoga was created, patented, and became popular in the Western Hemisphere in America by an Indian yoga guru by the name of Bikram Chaudhary in the 1970’s. The main point of Bikram Yoga is to put a focus on imitating the humid and hot weather climate in southern India. India is the birthplace of many forms of yoga. Yoga poses there would be performed at room temperatures of 90 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Here are some of the benefits of the 26 Bikram yoga poses in a list:

1. Standing deep yoga breathing: This pose helps prevent respiratory problems like shortness of breath and bronchitis.

2. Half-moon yoga pose: This pose will help strengthen the muscles in f your abdomen and also improves the way your kidney functions.

3. Hands to feet This pose is beneficial for stretching your spine and the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the legs.

4. Awkward pose: This position is used to shape and tone your feet. It can also help cure arthritis.

5. Eagle pose: This pose will help strengthens and stretches your thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back all at the same time. It also improves coordination.

6. Standing knee to head: This pose will make help you strengthens your triceps, biceps, and back muscles.

7. Standing bow pose: This pose will help strengthens your spin.

8. Balancing stick: This pose will help you to improve the blood flow to your head.

9. Standing separate leg pose: This pose will help you stretch and strengthen your nerves.

10. Triangle pose: This pose will stretch your hips, calves, hamstrings, shoulders, spine, and chest.

11. Standing separate leg knee to head pose: This pose will help to trim your waist, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and hips.

12. Tree pose: This pose will help you improve your posture and it will also improve your ankle and knees flexibility.

13. Toe stand: This pose will make your feet, ankles, knees and hips stronger.

14. Dead body yoga pose: This pose will help you improve.

15. Wind removing yoga pose: This pose will put pressure on the colon, this will massage it. This pose also strengthens the hips and arms.

16. Sit up: This pose will make abdominal muscles and hips stronger.

17. Cobra pose: This pose will help strengthen the upper spine and will also relieve back pain.

18. Locust pose: This pose makes the lower spine stronger.

19. Full locust pose: This pose will make your center spine stronger while opening your rib cage.

20. Bow pose: This pose will help expand your rib cage. thus relieving it.

21. Half tortoise pose:This pose makes your spine stronger while increasing its flexibility.

22. Camel pose: This pose will help relieve tension in your neck and shoulders.

23. Rabbit pose: The purpose of this pose is to increase your spine’s flexibility.

24. Knee to head pose and stretching pose: This pose will help increase blood circulation to important organs such as the pancreas, liver, intestines and thyroids.

25. Spine twisting pose: This pose will help improve blood circulation in the spinal nerves.

26. Blowing in firm pose: This pose will help Increases digestion.

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