Stop and Smell the Roses – Feel the “Grace”


“Stop and Smell the roses” – do we really comprehend the meaning of this phrase? To understand the depth of this phrase  we need to pause our busy hectic life, take time to look around and marvel at this Creation. We may laze in bed on day and not feel like getting out of bed, but the sun comes out every day on time. Similarly, our planet continues to spin around at the same pace every moment! Can you imagine if “Nature” decided to take a vacation? This energy or force that is making everything to happen is called “Grace”.

Thus, we all are in Grace; it’s just that, we are not “Conscious” of it. To allow  Sunlight to come into our room we have to open the curtains.  Otherwise we remain in darkness even though the Sunlight is shining brightly outside. So, we need to “open” the curtain, to illuminate the room! In other words, we need to make some effort from our side to be make ourselves “receptive to Grace”.

How to make ourselves available to this Unlimited access to Grace?

  1. Humility is an important ingredient for us to become receptive.
  2. Arrogant or a “know it all” attitude blocks our sensitivities.
  3. It is a combination of making effort and having the patience to “allow Grace “ to make things happen.
  4. If we are too conceited and pompous, our ego will block our receptivity.
  5. Devotion and sincerity to perform our part of the task; to make ourselves “Open” to receive Grace.
  6. A combination of action and receptivity is required.
  7. “Sadhana” or “Practices” help us to open our human System to infinite possibilities to make us “open”.
  8. Everyday we need to be “testing our efforts”, as a self-check. Thus, we become aware if we are making a substantial amount of improvement, to tap into the boundless “Grace”.

An ambience needs to be created for us to develop the power to consciously draw Grace into our lives. A seedling requires the correct amount of water, sunlight, soil, manure to grow. Once we have made our sincere effort to create the right environment, we wait for Nature to play its part. Grace will allow the seedling to grow into a full-fledged plant, at the right time.

Similarly seekers on the spiritual path need to use the tools or techniques, to prepare themselves to become more receptive; or else they will struggle on their journey. Spiritual seekers learn various meditation and breathing techniques to enable them to become more conscious to Grace.

Once we become conscious, we will be able to recall countless incidents in our daily lives. For instance, tripping  but not hurting your head, getting into an accident but still escaping unhurt etc.

Competitive players on winning the championship know in their hearts that there was a Superior force that also played a part in helping them win. This humility makes us realize that Breathing and other functions of our body are really an act of Grace. Or else we could be choking or getting breathless any time. Let’s put our heartfelt and earnest efforts to create the right ambience. Our action will be sustained by the elements of the Universe, to unravel the infinite possibilities for us which earlier were beyond the realm of our limited perception.

With this knowledge we wake up and bow down to this Universal force. Enjoy the sun, the gentle breeze, the pouring rain and express our profound gratitude to the elements of nature. In your worst personal crisis, sometimes a complete stranger will come out of nowhere, to give you a helping hand; Smile, be grateful and remember you are in “Grace”.

Surrender with Gratitude, as we will “Radiate Grace”.

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