A Resolution to be Joyful

In this vast universe there is no such thing as “Old Year” and “New Year”. These are man-made time measures because we need milestones...

Becoming a “Devotee”

The word devotion evokes different responses in people.  For some, it is something that they hold above everything else in their life.  For others,...

Healthy digestive system during festivals

This time of the year is my favorite. I'm sure many of you would agree that the festive vibe in the air is unmissable....

Energize Your Day: Food’s Secret Impact

After a good night's sleep, you wake up in the morning, all set for an exciting day. As the day goes on, you have...

Carry-on Baggage

We hear a lot these days about being present and living in the present moment.  We are reminded that the mind keeps reminiscing about...

The Healer Within

Part of our self-narrative is that “I am the one suffering, and I need to find someone else to come and fix me.”  Read...

Curiosity as a Doorway

Living in the moment has been a catchphrase in the West for well over a decade now.  There are hundreds of books about being...

Showing Up with the Heart

We all wish for world peace, and to live happy and fulfilled lives.  But then, a worthwhile question to ask is, how do we...

To Be Like a Child

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would say something like, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will...

The Shadows Will Express

Have you ever been critical of your own self?  Felt sorry for yourself?  Hated something about the way you are?  Seen flaws when you...

My Higher Wisdom

We face many challenges in our lives, and hopefully we have a social support network to help us through those times.  Most people rely...

Keystones to Awakening

Many spiritual aspirants feel that pursuing their spiritual practices are the prescriptive methods by which they will one day attain.  On a very relative,...