Opportunity is Knocking


When change is stimulated from the outside it is generally seen as negative. Think being fired or being broken up with as opposed to quitting a job or breaking up with someone. Most would prefer to be in the latter position because we tend to associate the person who initiates change as being in a position of power.  So in times of great strain and disruption to the flow of one’s routine like these, it’s easy to say that a virus is in the driver’s seat and by merely staying in our homes we are in the backseat going along for the ride. Is this really true though?

Most people fill their lives with routines that essentially put the better part of our life on a sort of auto pilot. The concept of discipline for most people in fact by definition means that they adhere to this automation unwaveringly. But then unexpected events happen that challenge us to take a second look at our routines and make adjustments. Regardless of how or why you are put in the position of change, awakening to the fact that you can consciously respond to life in every moment is the greatest power that exists. The only question is do you want to drive consciously or drive drunk with no regard to your surroundings or circumstances?

Sobering up from an unconscious routine can be liberating if you realize you have the opportunity to rethink the way you do almost everything. Now is the time to take that opportunity as a new lease on life. 

Use this time of self-isolation wisely by asking questions and seeking answers:

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Do you wake up and smile because you’re happy to be alive and healthy at this moment? Or do you look at your phone in a melancholy daze bracing yourself for what’s next?

Do you take the extra moments you have throughout the day to be still and quiet which is the best form of self-care or are you simply catching up on the latest Netflix releases? 

Are you doing research to find out what types of meals might be more conducive to building a healthy immune system and to a more sedentary lifestyle or are you eating the same way you always have?

Are you involved in daily physical activity? Most fitness apps are offering free memberships these days so there is no excuse to not stay active even with little to no equipment at your disposal. 

Living consciously begins by exploring the innate curiosity that lies within. Unleash that curiosity, ask some questions and try something new. What questions have you asked yourself about yourself today?

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