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ASHTANGA YOGA: Eight Limbs of Yoga

“Ashta” + “Tanga” combine to form the word Ashtanga in Sanskrit language. Ashta means eight and Tanga means limbs. The literal transalation is Eight...

Know your body, ace your Yoga!

Every one of us believe we are experts on ourselves. That we are the best authorities on the mystery we are. How surprised would...

Go With The Flow – Vinyasa Yoga

If you have done some form of yoga, or were thinking of dabbling in yoga, or even if you merely read some articles about...

Mom and Baby Yoga: take baby steps back to fitness!

Becoming a new mom, whether with your first or a subsequent child, is, without any doubt, a strange place to be. As a new...

Kriya Yoga – The Ultimate Key To Spiritual Evolution

Of all the types of yoga, Kriya Yoga is said to be the most potent. It is certainly not for the faint of heart;...

Take your first step to Walking Yoga

From those first faltering steps as we push ourselves upright, we all turn into walkers. We walk to our homes, to our schools, to...

Neck Exercises For Pain Relief

In this web surfing society, neck and shoulder problems have become common place. While using the computer or other electronics, we becomes so engrossed...

Yoga and the Breath

A famous quote by Swami Sivananda is:  A yogi measures the span of life by the number of breaths, not by the number of...

In the lap of Nature: taking your exercise outdoors.

As the days turn warmer, Nature unleashes all her beauty on the world. Trees are in full bloom, the cloud is spotless and cheerful,...

The Now And Zen of Yoga

Being present or in the moment is more relevant in today's context than ever before. Given the busy life style, distractions and preoccupations that...