Home Spiritual


Nature Speaks

Many people find solace in nature.  To get a break from the hustle and bustle of life, we take vacations in nature.  Cities have...

Coming Home

Being a spiritual aspirant seems to involve a tremendous amount of striving.  People are always going to retreats, searching for peak experiences, extending and...

From “You or Me” To “You and Me”

It feels like we live in a world of scarcity.  Our whole culture, especially in the West, is based on survival and competition.  Success...

Reading Spiritual Texts

Can spiritual energy be transmitted through reading?  This has been debated for as long as scriptures have found the script.  Many proclaim this is...

The Right Tool

It’s important to show up with the right tool for the task at hand.  You don’t use a hammer when the job calls for...

God is a Verb

Mention the word “God” and immediately you can just watch the sparking reaction in someone’s eyes.  One person may smile and dive into a...


Often, we look for spiritual experiences in the objective world.  We might surround ourselves in the serenity of a Zen garden or go to...


Mention devotion and it conjures up all kinds of images of subservient followers bowing down to a person, or a God, and maybe thoughts...

Awareness in Sleep

Many people confuse awareness, mindfulness, and mental alertness.  Actually, these are three very distinct things. Mental alertness is what we feel when we are in...

The Gap

“I think, therefore I am.”  You’ve heard this before, it’s a hallmark of our hubris.  But take a moment, sit comfortably, take a few...