Home Spiritual


Perfect Timing

Living in the present is a big tag line these days.  After all the books and articles, all the interviews and the YouTube videos,...

What is Beauty?

We seem to let society and the media define beauty for us.  What often comes to mind are people from magazine covers, or film...

Is Levitation Possible?

Levitation is the stuff of lore and legend.  Magicians have been creating the illusion for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and the topic...

Well-Rounded Spiritual Practice

Too often people separate their spiritual practices from their everyday lives.  They may set aside time to meditate when they are searching to find...

What Is This For?

What’s our typical reaction when something bad happens?  Well, that’s a trick question.  An event is never good or bad in and of itself. ...

The Paradox of Fear

What are you afraid of?  This is a perennial question, and nearly everyone has a laundry list for an answer.  Here’s an interesting exercise...

The Karma Conundrum

Karma is a popular word in conversations nowadays. Karma is a Sanskrit word and it translates to “action”.  Today, people understand Karma as good...

Shaving the Head

The picture of a monk or a nun with a shaved head is ubiquitous.  Have you ever wondered why this came to be?  First,...

Everyday Practice

One of the questions that spiritual seekers ask is, “do I have to practice every day?”  It’s usually the case that the changes in...

Body Memory

The body is an amazing mechanism, the vessel our of awareness on this planet.  It runs on its own, and arcs toward health and...