And the OSCAR goes to..


It is the Oscar Awards.  Red carpet is rolled out. Everyone is ready to present their very “best” look on the camera. Expectations are high amongst the nominees as it’s an honor to be nominated by the academy awards guild. The world camera is on all of them. It’s so dramatic, flashy and electrifying!

The nominees are announced. The audience awaits with abated breath for the winner to be announced. The winner goes up to give a tearful speech. A similar pattern carried on for the last 92 years.

The most Joyful Actor

The most Self-realized Director

The most Compassionate Producer

The most Meditative supporting actor

The calmest Serene Cinematography.

The most Peaceful Production Design

The most Conscious Screen Writer

The most Truthful Editor

The most Loving Dialogue Writer

Hey! Wake up dreamers. These are films, not real life. Actors, cinematographers, producers, directors, editors, designers and other professionals put their body and soul to produce these movies. This is the glittery world of movies, entertainment and intrigue. But we can still discover a takeaway from this workshop of creative thinking which is to use the intoxicating and stimulating Oscar Awards as a tool to help us increase our “Awareness”.

The trick is to create our own red carpet and strut on the ramp designed exclusively for us. This puts us under the spotlight, where we focus solely on ourselves. What kind of nominations are we shooting for – Compassion, Meditation, Happiness, Joy, Truth, Love, Relationships? The list is endless. The power is within us to create an Oscar event for our own personal growth. Once we nominate ourselves for any one or more attributes to enhance our true Self we are contenders to win the Oscar of a spiritual kind.

This experience can really become liberating for us as we are no longer judging others or afraid of being judged. The attention shifts to our own thoughts and actions. A big advantage is we eliminate the problem of complaining and blaming other people. It’s our very own individual journey where our inner intelligence will guide us to help us gauge our own progress on this path.

Subtle and profound transformations take place to deepen our awareness. We diminish the layers that cover our “Consciousness” and leads to clarity. On this path we realize that if we stay devoted and sincere we will get be a true winner in our real lives.

Isn’t that a thrilling possibility?  So what are you waiting for? You have the blueprint for the Oscars. Makeup, lights, camera…. your turn to look breath-taking and astonishing.

Are you “AWAKE” for this transformation?

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