Beginner’s Yoga


Practicing yoga can improve cardiovascular health, curb chronic neck and low-back, pain, sharpen the brain, control diabetes, stave off stress and anxiety, decrease depression, lower cancer risk, promotes positive self-perception, lengthen lifespan and youth, and reduces PMS. With all these scientifically proven benefits, why isn’t everybody practicing yoga?

beginner's yoga

Dragging ourselves out of bed with enough time to twist and bend our body for an hour or more before breakfast isn’t as easy as boiling a kettle to make a cup of coffee to “wake up.” Practicing yoga might seem like hard work. In addition to being a physical challenge, there are a plethora of styles to choose from. When we are beginning to practice yoga it might seem like a subject that needs to be thoroughly researched before we begin trying to balance on one foot.

Perhaps it is comforting to know that everyone you know who is obsessed with yoga—unable to go a day without it—were once beginners practicing some form of beginners yoga. Having the desire to develop a yoga practice is a great first step that will motivate us to finding something basic. The complexity of a practice is not a hallmark of its efficacy. A crucial element that will make for a strong foundation is to “show up” to our mats willing to practice today.

When starting beginners yoga, it might seem daunting to undertake a new endeavor everyday from now on. If we are able to just go through a simple beginners yoga routine, not concerned about the duration or difficulty, on this day, without worrying about the next day, this beginners yoga will automatically transmute into a practice that transforms our life. We will seek to grow our practice once we allow yourself to begin with some simple basics.

Beginners yoga is an opportunity for us to solidify ourselves with a foundational practice that can lead to many more benefits, and they needn’t be only physical. When we take the time to introduce a new behavior into our day, we disrupt the current patterns that can sometimes be a hindrance to the life we want to live. The act of starting to practice yoga, no matter how long or what style we practice, will be enough to open some space for real change to enter our lives.

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