7 Yoga Balance Poses


Yoga has long since been a great tool to increase flexibility and muscular strength in our bodies and lives. For this reason, many people turn to yoga to build specific parts of their body. Individuals interested in developing greater balance through yoga can try specific poses to do just that.

Yoga balancing poses increase our ability to balance in our everyday lies. The balance we aim for through yoga transcends our emotional, mental and physical states. The practice of seeking balance through yoga will help you find your center and allow you to have balance throughout every area of your life.

Finding Your Balance

Our equilibrium and balance can be developed and strengthened through specific yoga balance poses. Exploring certain yoga poses and practicing them regularly will help to increase the balance in your life and workouts. These poses increase your body’s flexibility, muscle control and awareness. Having great balance will follow you in every activity you do, like other physical activities and sports as well having good posture. As we detail the following balancing yoga poses, take some time to some tips to have better balance when performing poses.

Be patient when performing poses. Getting into a pose too soon makes it easier to lose balance. Taking time to slowly execute a pose will allow you to maintain the most control. Pay attention to the center of gravity within your body in order to maintain a sustained sense of balance throughout this whole process. For the poses where you must have your feet together, try spreading them further apart if you find yourself having trouble balancing.

As you practice these tips, remember not to over extend yourself. If you feel any pain doing these balancing poses, stop and figure out what you are doing wrong. These balancing poses will make you feel at peace rather than strained or stressed. Use the following poses as a way to bring your life into a better level of balance.

The Best Balancing Poses

1. The Half Moon Pose
The Half Moon Pose is pretty similar to the Open Triangle pose. Both poses are designed to help you elongate your spine and tone the core. Additionally, this pose will help your balance.

Begin this pose with Down Dog. Bring the right foot between both hands and go into the Warrior 1 pose. Go from there into a Warrior 2 by opening your hips, chest and arms. Placing the left hand at the left side of your hip, extend your arm out completely. Put your weight onto the right foot, then lift up your left foot.

Take your right hand and place it palm down on the floor below your shoulder. Looking down, raise your left arm all the way up. After you gain your balance, look up to the left hand. Hold this pose for five breaths, release it and then repeat the pose on the opposite side.

2. The Balancing Butterfly
Try the Balancing Butterfly pose to improve your balance by opening your hips and strengthening your feet.

Place your feet together and start this pose in a low squat. Turning your knees outwards, keep the heels and balls of your feet pressed together. Resting your hands at your knees, press both palms together by your heart. Hold the pose for five breaths, bring your knees together and stand up.

3. The Dancer Pose
The Dancer Pose is a helpful tool in learning to balance better. This pose will require you to hold one foot while balancing on the other.

Begin the Dancer pose with both of your feet together. Shifting your weight to you left foot, raise your right leg while bending your knee behind you. Take your right hand and hold your big toe, inner arch or your ankle. Now start to lean forward and bring your right leg up as high as possible while you extend your left arm in front to allow yourself to balance.

Wait for five breaths, let go of your foot and repeat the pose on you other leg.

4. The Both Big Toe Pose
The Both Big Toe pose is similar to the Boat pose as it helps to strengthen the core. This pose aids your balance by having your hold on to both big toes. Sit down on your yoga mat and bend both of your knees. Grab the left big toe with your thumb and first two fingers on your left hand then do the same thing with your right foot and right hand. Try hard to stay balanced as you sit.

Straighten your legs and stabilize yourself. Bring your gaze up and slowly lower your head backwards. Hold this pose for five breaths then return your feet to the mat.

5. Extended Sage
The Extended Sage pose requires you to balance on one foot and one hand. This pose is the extended variation of the Beginner’s Sage pose.

Start this pose in Down Dog and bring both of your feet together. Put your right hand eight inches towards to left, at the center of your mat. Roll open to your left and lift your left arm towards the air and stack you feet. Next, you will be resting towards the outer edge of your right foot. Lift your left arm all the way up or have it extend past your ear. Bring your hips in the air and arch yourself slightly. Hold this pose for five breaths then repeat this pose on the other side.

6. The Crow Pose
The Crow pose is helpful for balancing the arms while building up strength and stability.

Start this pose off in a squat and put your hands shoulder length apart on the mat. Spreading your fingers as wide as possible, create a strong base for the pose. Make sure your legs are slightly straightened and place your knees as high on your triceps as possible. Shift your weight to your palm then bring your feet off of the ground. Spend five breaths holding this pose while gazing towards the floor.

7. The Bound Headstand Pose
The Bound Headstand pose is a great pose for individuals that have been practicing yoga for a while as this pose requires you to go upside down.

Start the Bound Headstand Pose on your knees and hands. Bring your elbows towards the floor and lace your fingers together. Put the back your head inside your palms while the top of your head rests on the mat. As you straighten out your legs, bring your toes towards your head, then bring yourself to a headstand.

Hold this pose for five breaths and then bend your knees towards your chest and bring your feet to the floor. Then rest in a Child’s Pose. If this headstand seems too confusing, try to break it down to a few simple steps by watching a video first.

For Better Balance, Practice

These poses are great tools to help you increase your balance. In yoga, as with anything, working little by little to build up strength and understanding is the best way to learn a pose. These balancing poses are no different. Practicing a range of these poses each day will increase your balance gradually.

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