5 Great Kneeling Yoga Poses


There are so many types of yoga kneeling poses that should involve bending one or both knees in a kneeling position. These are referred to as kneeling and semi-kneeling yoga postures. The most common poses include bending of the spine in a forward or backward motion and the bending of the hips in a backward and forward position.

Here are top yoga kneeling poses that you can easily mimic.

1. The Child Pose or the Balasana

The balasana is considered a resting pose. You can use this pose when you will do your yoga practice. This is a great way during taking a break or gathering up energy. The first thing that you are going to do is to kneel on the mat with the big toes touching as you sit on your heels.

You can also use an extended version of this pose, which can be achieved by separating your knees in a hips-width distance. So, as you will fold forward, you need to exhale, bring your forehead onto the mat, stretch out the neck and back. You can put your hands in any of the positions above.

This method can be beneficial to relieve stress and calm the mind as it stretches the ankles, back, and thighs. You simply need to watch out for contraindications such as those with knee injuries and those who are pregnant.

2. The Table Pose or the Bharmanasana

This pose is actually the main starting and transition posture for some of the most common floor postures. You can start with your hands and knees on the floor. Likewise, you need to put your palms under your shoulders with your knees that should be as wide as your hip. You have to put your feet behind your knees as well. You also have to root down with your hands, while spreading your fingers widely.

The major benefits of this pose is to help realign and lengthen the spine when you transition from one floor posture to another. Inexperienced people need to be aware of the knee and wrist injuries.

3. The Cow/Cat Pose Combination or the Marjaryansana to Bitilasana

The combination of cow and cat pose will warm up the spine and relieve the neck and back tension. You need to begin by executing the table pose, as the wrists must be under the shoulders and the knees should be under the hips. This must be executed by lying flat on the back in a neutral spine while engaging the spine. You have to inhale deeply and exhale, to the cat pose, by rounding the spine towards the ceiling and pulling the navel in towards the spine, while engaging the abs. You have to tuck the chin to the chest, while allowing the neck to release.

You have to inhale to the cow pose by arching the back and allowing the belly to loosen and relax. Try to lift your head and the tailbone upwards the ceiling. You have to continue this by flowing back and forth going from the cat to the cow pose, which is inhaling for the cow and exhaling for the cat. This must be done repeatedly for 5-10 rounds or when your spine has already warmed up.

4. The Balancing Table Pose

You should be in a table pose first. Then, position the shoulders over the hands and hips should be over the knees. When inhaling, you need to lift your right leg or in a foot flexed position. Lift the left arm upward that should be parallel to the floor, as you reach your fingers forward and the foot back. In this position, you must keep the torso steadily contracted.

Take note that your head should be in neutral as you gaze down to the mat. When you breathe, try to hold after 3-6 breaths. When releasing, slowly exhale going back to the table position. Then, you need to repeat it onto the other side. You might need to put a folded blanket in order to protect your knees.

This form should enable you to improve your balance, memory, posture, and coordination as it strengthen the core as well as the back muscles. Moreover, it can lengthen the spine.

5. The Tiger Pose or the Vyaghrasana and the Knee-to-Nose

The table pose should be your base posture when you need to do this next procedure. So, you have to put your hands below your shoulders, while putting the knees below the hips, as you put your head in a neutral position. Then you should keep the tops of your feet on the floor flat. Do this as you gaze down toward the floor but you need to engage the core muscles in order to gain stability.

Take note that when you exhale, you have to bring the right knee toward your forehead. You should also put your back in a rounded form as you contract your abdominal muscles. At this point, you need to retain your breath. As you inhale, you have to extend and raise the right leg back and try to keep breathing with your lungs full.

As you do this, you have to keep both positions in an alternate rhythm that should follow your breath. After you are done with the desired number of rounds using the right leg, you need to go back to all fours. After that, you need to take small breaks using the extended child’s pose. You have to go back to all fours and repeat it on the other side. Remember to keep your hips in a level pose. In order to get the proper positioning, you may ask the assistance of a partner or use a mirror.

The tiger pose should tone the spinal nerves, relax the sciatic nerves, relieve the sciatica, loosen the legs, tone the reproductive organs, promote digestion, stretch the abdominals, and stimulate the blood circulation.

These are just a few of the many postures of the kneeling yoga poses. All of them have specific benefits that are targeted to acquire a healthier life simply by doing some yoga exercises. You can ask your trainer if he or she can provide assistance when you first try this very effective way of achieving a healthier lifestyle.

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