47 Quotes About Perseverance


Having the ability to not give up and meet your goals and objectives requires the ability to overcome challenges. These quotes about perseverance highlight the spirit and ambition that is needed to achieve success.

“A determination to succeed is the only way to succeed that I know anything about.”

“Act with a determination not to be turned aside by thoughts of the past and fears of the future.”

“All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance.”

“As long as the day lasts, let’s give it all we got.”

“Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.”

“Diligence is the greatest of teachers.”

“Don’t foul, don’t flinch-hit the line hard.”

“Everything yields to diligence.”

“Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.”

“Fate gave to man the courage of endurance.”

“Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.”

“Few things are impracticable in themselves; and it is for want of application, rather than of means, that men fail of success.”

“For me, hard work represents the supreme luxury of life.”

“Genius is perseverance in disguise.”

“God is with those who patiently persevere.”

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”

“He conquers who endures.”

“How you start is important, very important, but in the end it is how you finish that counts. It is easier to be a self-starter than a self-finisher. ”

“I have begun several things many times, and I have often succeeded at last. I will sit down, but the time will come when you will hear me.”

“In business, eternal vigilance is the price of liquidity.”

“In commitment, we dash the hopes of a thousand potential selves.”

“In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm; in the real world, all rests on perseverance.”

“It is not necessary to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere.”

“It is not necessary to hope in order to undertake, nor to succeed in order to persevere.”

“It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.”

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.”

“Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realize the great life.”

“Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.”

“Perseverance and audacity generally win.”

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.”

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”

Having the ability to not give up and meet your goals and objectives requires the ability to overcome challenges. These quotes about perseverance highlight the spirit and ambition that is needed to achieve success.

“Persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite.”

“Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.”

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

“The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”

“The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.”

“This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.”

“‘Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, and obstinacy in a bad one.”

“To live is not to learn, but to apply.”

“To persevere in one’s duty and be silent, is the best answer to calumny.”

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.”

“Vacillating people seldom succeed. They seldom win the solid respect of their fellows. Successful men and women are very careful in reaching decisions and very persistent and determined in action thereafter.”

“Whatever necessity lays upon thee, endure; whatever she commands, do.”

“When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil; while fretting and fuming only serves to increase your own torments.”

“When you want a thing deeply, earnestly and intensely, this feeling of desire reinforces your will and arouses in you the determination to work for the desired object. ”

“Whoever perseveres will be crowned.”

“Without perseverance talent is a barren bed.”

Having the ability to not give up and surpass challenges is one quality that will ensure your future success.

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