45 Quotes About Accomplishing a Goal


Having goals in your life can help to give you focus. These quotes about accomplishing a goal will give you the ambition you need to achieve your desires.

“A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.”

“Accomplishment is socially judged by ill defined criteria so that one has to rely on others to find out how one is doing.”

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.”

“Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.”

“Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.”

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

“Education should learn from the positive side of gaming – reward, accomplishment, and fun.”

“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”

“Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline.”

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

“I didn’t want people to think of me as someone who wasn’t impressed with a silver medal, because obviously that’s a huge accomplishment, and I was so happy. It was more about me just being not impressed with falling at the Olympics in my last event.”

“I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Everything is in tune: the voice, the type of music, who I am and who people think I am.”

“I have always been more interested in experiment, than in accomplishment.”

“I have concluded that Literature is no proper pursuit for a gentleman and that Writing ought never to be consider’d but as an elegant Accomplishment to be indulg’d in with infrequency and Discrimination.”

“I saw as a teacher how, if you take that spark of learning that those children have, and you ignite it, you can take a child from any background to a lifetime of creativity and accomplishment.”

“I seriously feel like the best days are ahead, and I like the idea of getting to do everything I did before but with more knowledge, experience, and street smarts.”

“I started reading about people of great accomplishment… and it dawned on me suddenly that the person who has the most to do with what happens in your life is you. ”

“I would like to be remembered as a guy who had a set of priorities, and was willing to live by those priorities. In terms of accomplishments, my biggest accomplishment is that I kept the country safe amidst a real danger.”

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”

“It is through accomplishment that man makes his contribution and contribution is life’s greatest reward.”

“Life is an accomplishment and each moment has a meaning and you must use it.”

“Life is filled with tragedy, with long patches of struggle and with, I think, beautiful bursts of joy and accomplishment. Blessed with those moments, you just try to relax as much as possible and focus on the little things, like the joy of changing your baby’s diaper.”

“My children without a doubt are my greatest accomplishment. If I did nothing else I would feel just having and raising them would be enough. The rest is icing.”

“My contribution I hope is to get people to eat full-flavored food. If I could come away with that alone, that would be a fantastic accomplishment. I’m also very proud of being a very American chef.”

“Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.”

“Nothing splendid was ever created in cold blood. Heat is required to forge anything. Every great accomplishment is the story of a flaming heart.”

“Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.”

“Only by strict specialization can the scientific worker become fully conscious, for once and perhaps never again in his lifetime, that he has achieved something that will endure. A really definitive and good accomplishment is today always a specialized act.”

“Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.”

“Set out with some definite purpose in life and accomplish that purpose. There is little that the human mind can conceive that is not possible of accomplishment. The thing to do is to make up your mind what you are going to drive for, and let nothing stand in the way of its ultimate accomplishment.”

“Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplishment in a bachelor, and second-nature in a married man.”

“The accomplishment of open source is that it is the back end of the web, the invisible part, the part that you don’t see as a user.”

“The great accomplishment of Jobs’s life is how effectively he put his idiosyncrasies – his petulance, his narcissism, and his rudeness – in the service of perfection.”

“The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.”

“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”

“There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.”

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

“Well-being cannot exist just in your own head. Well-being is a combination of feeling good as well as actually having meaning, good relationships and accomplishment.”

“What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what can you make people believe you have done.”

“Whether you’re successful or not, you’ll never actually feel the joys of accomplishment unless you love yourself. Success can be very difficult to deal with. You have to stay in the center. If you let your success define you, then you’re really just setting yourself up for failure.”

“Who knows better than artists how much ugliness there is on the way to beauty, how many ghastly, mortifying missteps, how many days of granitic blockheadedness and dismaying ineptitude there is on the way to accomplishment, how partial all accomplishment is, how incomplete?”

“Within the soul of America is freedom of mind and spirit in man. Here alone are the open windows through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit. Here alone is human dignity not a dream but an accomplishment.”

“You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.”

“You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!”

“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”

If you want to achieve your goals, do not overly focus on them to the point of being ineffective.

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