43 Quotes About Fearlessness


Making it through a period of time with no fear can be difficult when life strikes at us hard. Here are some inspiring quotes about fearlessness that will remind us to continue moving forward through the storm.

“A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

“Be fearless in the pursuit of greatness.”

“Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”

“Being fearless isn’t being 100% Not fearful, it’s being terrified but you jump anyway.”

“Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless.”

“Bravely overcoming one small fear gives you the courage to take on the next.”

“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”

“Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain.”

“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.”

“Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.”

“Face your worry and see it as an illusion. It cannot exist unless you give it power and give it life.”

“Fear is the worst kind of grave, because it buries one alive.”

“Find what you are afraid of, face it, and then you won’t be afraid of it anymore.”

“Focus on your goals, not your fear. Focus like a laser beam on your goals.”

“Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be.”

“Have the fearless attitude of a hero ad the loving heart of a child.”

“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things happen. Don’t be afraid.”

“I tend to think you’re fearless when you recognize why you should be scared of things, but do them anyway.”

“I think it’s good to be a little more fearless in saying what you feel. In not being scared of the repercussions of that.”

“I try to be as fearless as possible. I don’t always succeed, but I like to think I try.”

“If you’re offered a seat on a rocketship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.”

“I’m fearless, I don’t complain. Even when horrible things happen to me, I go on.”

“I’m strong and fearless and not afraid to take risks in business.”

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

“It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”

“Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.”

“My approach is just fearless. I’m not afraid to try anything.”

“Only the really young are fearless, have the optimism, the romanticism to take unimaginable risks.”

“People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening.”

“The best way to be successful is to be fearless.”

“The light of a new day always chases the shadows of the night away, and shows us that the shape of our fear is only the ghost of our own minds.”

“The will to never give up and to be fearless. That’s what I have.”

“To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around.”

“Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, do it.”

“When you’re fearless, you take more risks because you’re less conscious of failure or what can go wrong.”

“You don’t have to be fast. But you’d better be fearless.”

“You have to be fearless and take chances. Don’t live life fearing what comes next. That’s not what living is about.”

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.”

One way to tackle your biggest fear is to define them first. Handling these straight on will help you achieve your goals in the long term.

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