5 Post-Yoga Healthy Breakfast Ideas You’ll Love


5 Post-Yoga Healthy Breakfast Ideas You’ll Love

Yoga is best done on an empty stomach but what you put in it right after can determine how you retain the benefits of the practice.

Healthy Yoga Breakfast
Healthy Yoga Breakfast

The rule of thumb for any balanced meal is to have proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Great vegan protein sources include nuts and seeds. Fresh fruits and veggies make up the carbohydrate components and healthy fats can come from coconut oil, flax oil, chia seeds etc.

A diet that is particularly supportive for the yogic lifestyle is one that converts to energy instantly and allows the mind to be cleared and the body to be strengthened. Occasional consumption of eggs is also beneficial as it adds vitamin B to your diet.

Eating a well-balanced meal containing all these nutritional components can take your yoga practice to the next level. In yoga there is a term, ‘Annam Brahma’ which translates ‘food is the divine’.

1. Yogurt with Fruit and Granola

Yogurt is great for your gut with its natural probiotics which promote the strains of good bacteria needed for digestive support and immunity. For an on-the-go version layer yogurt with granola and cut fruit in a Mason jar and enjoy.

2. Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Qunioa is a super-grain that contains fiber, iron and is an excellent source of protein. Quinoa can be cooked like oatmeal to a porridge like consistency or with less liquid to make a sumptuous bowl.

The versatility of quinoa allows you to make savory or sweetened versions whichever one appeals to you. For a savory idea, serve with avocado, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. For a sweetened version mix honey or maple syrup and serve topped with diced fruit or berries. Add chopped nuts and roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds for an added crunch.

3. Sauteed Veggies with Scrambled Tempeh or Tofu

Pick your favorite local greens and saute them with a dash of olive or coconut oil, salt and pepper. Next , break up semi-firm tofu in a pan and saute with turmeric, salt and nutritional yeast. Serve together. Substitute the tempeh/tofu with eggs if you wish.

4. Date Walnut Chia Pudding

Soaked chia seeds and pureed dates and bananas, topped with walnuts make for a power packed meal. The only preparation required is to soak the chia seeds for 15 minutes. So this is a great option if you wish to make larger quantities.

5. Sprouted Avocado Wrap

A variety of sprouted grain wraps are available in grocery stores today. Spinach, mashed avocado, cherry tomatoes and fresh dill can make for a sumptuous breakfast that’ll power you through the day while bringing balance to your system. Add chopped boiled eggs for a more scrumptious meal.

Stay Healthy with Proper Hydration

While these breakfast ideas will keep you satisfied and energized, the importance of proper hydration to maintain the balance of your system cannot be overstated. Lack of hydration can leave one feeling drained and depleted. Just giving the body pure, filtered water can replenish and rejuvenate it.

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