39 Quotes About Being Unfaithful


One of the greatest betrayals in life is the experience of unfaithfulness. These quotes about being unfaithful offer the perfect example to the explosive feelings that follow an act of infidelity.

“A friend of mine told a story about a date with a guy she was really excited about: He stood her up. He then called her, begging her forgiveness and giving some excuse.”

“A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman’s heart.”

“America is like an unfaithful love who promises us more than we got.”

“Any way I slice reality it comes out poorly, and I feel an urge to not exist, something I have never felt before; and now here it comes with conviction, almost panic.”

“But this will not do, God will certainly punish you for stealing and for being unfaithful.”

“Cheating and lying aren’t struggles, they’re reasons to break up.”

“Cheating in school is a form of self-deception. We go to school to learn. We cheat ourselves when we coast on the efforts and scholarship of someone else.”

“God tells me that I need to provide for my family, discipline and teach my children, and love my wife as Christ loves the church. If I don’t do that, I’m being unfaithful and sinful.”

“Having your heart broken is the easy part; knowing when to move on is the challenge.”

“He left a bit too easily and with obvious relief. His feet were swift and sure on the muddy path.”

“I believe that women know if their husbands are unfaithful. They feel it.”

“I think men are mainly unfaithful because as they get older, they feel the urge to prove to themselves that they are still attractive. They need proof from outside the marriage. It’s really sad. It’s all about them. It’s not about their wives at all.”

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating.”

“Is it right to shoot the poor prostitute or a woman who is unfaithful to her husband, or a man who loves another man?”

“It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be.”

“It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock, than to fall in love with someone who doesn’t know what they mean to you.”

“It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself.”

“It only took one text message to change my life. That’s when I discovered my loving husband had been unfaithful. His infidelities ended our marriage.”

“It takes two people to create a successful relationship. It only takes one person to make it fail.”

“It’s better to be unfaithful than faithful without wanting to be.”

“Memory is a great artist. For every man and for every woman it makes the recollection of his or her life a work of art and an unfaithful record.”

“My affections are easily swayed and I can be very unfaithful.”

“Never be unfaithful to a lover, except with your wife.”

“No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful.”

“One of the more challenging things in life is not being the guy who does the cheating, but not saying anything about it and going along with it. ”

“Only those who trust, can find love and happiness. And only those who love, can be betrayed.”

“People generally didn’t cheat in good relationships.”

“People who are brutally honest get more satisfaction out of the brutality than out of the honesty.”

“Such silence has an actual sound, the sound of disappearance.”

“The cruelest lies are often told in silence.”

“The one charm about marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.”

“The original is unfaithful to the translation.”

“The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundation.”

“The truth that survives is simply the lie that is pleasantest to believe.”

“Those who are faithless know the pleasures of love; it is the faithful who know love’s tragedies.”

“We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love—first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage.”

“We cannot certainly, have any excuse either for taking any thing that belongs to our masters without their leave, or for being unfaithful in their business.”

“When people cheat in any arena, they diminish themselves-they threaten their own self-esteem and their relationships with others by undermining the trust they have in their ability to succeed and in their ability to be true.”

“You didn’t just cheat on me; you cheated on us. You didn’t just break my heart; you broke our future.”

It can be devastating to discover that your partner or spouse is cheating on you. Being unfaithful can leave you losing trust in others and feeling enormous pain and grief.

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