38 Quotes About Complainers and Whiners


There are a lot of benefits to being confident in life. Speaking with this type of tone can create more impact. Being a complainer and whiner does not give back as much. Here are some great quotes about complainers and whiners that are inspiring.

“A complaint is usually not kept to oneself; instead it is told to another person or to groups of people, which therefore can lead to other complainers. A complaint can actually ‘seed’ itself into the thoughts of others.”

“After all, every complaint represents an opportunity to turn something negative into a positive. We can use customer complaints to improve our service.”

“But rejoicing isn’t something you can just force yourself to do. It doesn’t come naturally to us the way grumbling does. We let our disagreeableness be known to everyone with every sarcastic quip about how we never get any breaks.”

“Complaining – we all do it, but do we really need to?”

“Complaining is a total waste of time! It does no good to complain. Complaining doesn’t resolve anything.”

“Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious.”

“Don’t let the bad shots get to you. Don’t let yourself become angry. The true scramblers are thick-skinned. And they always beat the whiners.”

“Everyone has problems. It’s how you choose to deal with them. Some people choose to be whiners some choose to be winners. Some choose to be victims some choose to be victors.”

“Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It’s called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don’t do it halfway. Don’t linger in whiner’s limbo.”

“God wants you to be a winner, not a whiner.”

“Have you noticed how difficult it is just to get along in the world? If you’re no good at all in your job, people treat you badly and eventually you will be unemployed. ”

“Her magic formula for dealing with children is ignoring all faults and accenting tiny virtues. ”

“How often have you been inspired to do something after you have listened to a person complain? Learn to listen to the complaint and then ask the question, so what are you going to do about it? ”

“I can’t stand it when a player whines to me or his teammates or his wife or the writers or anyone else. A whiner is almost always wrong. A winner never whines.”

“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”

“I have come to know a God who has a soft spot for rebels, who recruits people like the adulterer David, the whiner Jeremiah, the traitor Peter, and the human-rights abuser Saul of Tarsus. ”

“I know it is hard for you young mothers to believe that almost before you can turn around the children will be gone and you will be alone with your husband. ”

“I know it’s important to do more than just complain when there’s something you don’t like. You need to try to do something about it, or you’re nothing but a whiner.”

“I’d be a Libertarian, if they weren’t all a bunch of tax-dodging professional whiners.”

“If you don’t like something change it. “Don’t complain because you don’t have. Enjoy what you’ve got.”

“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.”

“If you’re a sniveler, a whiner, a complainer, you will never be happy. We all have that side. Get a little stoical and just take the pain.”

“It is easy to be disgruntled if you are denied rights and freedoms to which you feel entitled. But if you are not coherent, if you cannot put into words what it is that displeases you and why it is unfair and should change, then you are dismissed as an unreasonable whiner. ”

“Karl Marx was the foremost hater and most incessant whiner in the history of Western Civilization. He was a spoiled, overeducated brat who never grew up; he just grew more shrill as he grew older. ”

“Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don’t go well.”

“People who never achieve happiness are the ones who complain whenever they’re awake, and whenever they’re asleep, they are thinking about what to complain about tomorrow.”

“Some people seem to go through life standing at the complaint counter.”

“The right wing will be identified with the monied class, even when the left often has more money. And the left wing will be identified as the whiners, even though the right at times whines as much or more. You might say that both sides are monied, high human capital whiners, on the whole.”

“There’s a lot of whiners in every crowd.”

“Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.”

“When a person finds themselves predisposed to complaining about how little they are regarded by others, let them reflect how little they have contributed to the happiness of others.”

“When problems arise, you will usually find two types of people: whiners and winners. Whiners obstruct progress; they spend hours complaining about this point or that, without offering positive solutions.”

“When someone around you complains about his or her life, his or her job or about the things you do, pay attention even to the smallest detail. If changing something small about you will improve your relationship and it will make them feel better, then you can say that you just became a better person.”

“When you consistently maintain a positive frame of mind, you’ll become known as a problem-solver rather than a complainer. People avoid complainers. They seek out problem-solvers.”

“Whiners usually play alone.”

“Women cry. Men laugh. Whiners moan. Men laugh. Wimps complain. Men laugh.”

“Writer’s block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they can have an excuse to drink alcohol.”

“You can’t be a winner if you’re a whiner…wiener.”

There are many people that like to become victimized by their work. Dealing with these whiners and complainers require unique strategies and focus.

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