37 Quotes About Enviousness


Not all types of envy are bad. Envy can also be used to guide you down a path to success. Here are some great quotes about enviousness that are encouraging.

“A part of me is always envious of people who live in the present and are sustained by a sense of spontaneity. Even dogs have that capacity: they’re always wanting to participate in something, and I don’t often have that element in me.”

“Acting can be a difficult business. When I was younger, if my mates were doing better than me, I might be a little bit envious, but as I have got older, I love to see actors cracking on and succeeding. The same goes for writers.”

“Anybody that’s got a problem with me is probably envious or wants to be me, and that’s how I’ve always looked at it.”

“As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.”

“As time went on, I got envious and wanted to do a lot of stunts myself.”

“Because I am a horrible flincher, contact lenses are not an option. I’m always envious of contact-wearers. There are endless reasons to take off one’s glasses during the day and, as I have grown older, what I don’t see has become increasingly pronounced.”

“But we’re born as children and we look at the world with open eyes… And we don’t judge and we don’t betray. We’re not jealous. We’re not envious. We’re not even weary, which is a danger also as kids. They have to learn a certain amount of awareness.”

“Don’t waste too much time wishing, hoping, and being envious; it’ll make you bugnutty.”

“England is a fairly envious little country and it’s embodied in the press. They don’t like anyone being more distinguished than they are.”

“Good work is the only thing that would make me feel jealous or envious.”

“I always enjoy working with an international crew and director. But on the set of a Hollywood action film – now that’s a whole other world. The sheer grand scale of the way things are done over there makes me envious; it’s just so different from the way things are done in Japan.”

“I am always so envious of people who do whatever they want.”

“I am beginning to have more powerful enemies and more envious ones, too.”

“I am so envious of my colleagues from 100 years ago who only sang new works, they hardly ever sang revivals.”

“I can only say that whatever my life and work have been, I’m not envious of anyone-and this is my biggest satisfaction.”

“I don’t wish anybody ill, I really don’t. I’ve got a lot of faults, but I was never jealous or envious or… it’s a waste of time.”

“I was always longing to do, emotionally and physically, what my male counterparts always got to do. I just felt envious, every time I saw a movie that I was in awe of, and it was usually a male lead. And those kinds of roles weren’t available. They just weren’t being written.”

“I’m always envious of the actors who get to come to work every day and really grow deep roots there, but it is really fun playing lots of different characters.”

“I’m always slightly envious of people who become extremely rich without anyone knowing who the hell they are, like financiers.”

“I’m envious of actors. You shoot a movie or you do a season of ‘Big Love,’ and then you’re on hiatus and you have a bunch of free time.”

“I’m envious of people that can handle the press. No matter what I say or how articulately I say it, it always comes back to the same issues. And it’s getting kind of old.”

“I’m envious of people who can sleep as long as they want. I have the circadian rhythm of a farmer.”

“I’m envious of writers and musicians. I think it must be so difficult. Not just the frustration, but the discipline.”

“I’m so envious of that genetic wiring that immediately puts a smile on your face. My genetic wiring just puts creases in my eyebrows.”

“I’m very envious of the few artists who are any good and still do portraits.”

“In France, I guess there’s something like a tyranny in mentalities – we accept success badly, beauty, money. People are certainly envious, and this creates negative energy. This is annoying. I suffered a great deal at one time. I had to fight harder than others. Add to that my marriage to Polanski.”

“Instead of being critical of people in authority over you and envious of their position, be happy you’re not responsible for everything they have to do. Instead of piling on complaints, thank them for what they do. Overwhelm them with encouragement and appreciation!”

“I’ve just started to get really envious when I go into people’s houses and see books on a shelf.”

“Man is by nature competitive, combative, ambitious, jealous, envious, and vengeful.”

“My greatest happiness is to serve my gracious King and Country and I am envious only of glory; for if it be a sin to covet glory I am the most offending soul alive.”

“Nature, more of a stepmother than a mother in several ways, has sown a seed of evil in the hearts of mortals, especially in the more thoughtful men, which makes them dissatisfied with their own lot and envious of another’s.”

“Take heed and beware of covetousness. The Lord saw the need of doubly warning against that besetting sin.”

“That some are poorer than others, ever was and ever will be: And that many are naturally querulous and envious, is an Evil as old as the World.”

“The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.”

“The envious man grows lean at the success of his neighbor.”

“Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious.”

“Whenever you attempt a good work you will find other men doing the same kind of work, and probably doing it better. Envy them not.”

There are many ways you can go about dealing with jealousy and envy.

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