37 Quotes About Dealing with Grief


Having the right approach to your grief will help you to best approach it and deal with your recent loss. These quotes about dealing with grief are the perfect examples to the type of feelings you will experience.

“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”

“Don’t stop on a difficult path, take it one step at a time.”

“Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.”

“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.”

“God wants you to enjoy your life now, not when.”

“Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.”

“Grief does not change you. It reveals you.”

“Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life.”

“Grief is the price we pay for love.”

“Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.”

“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.”

“Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.”

“Loss and heartache do not define you. They are part of your story.”

“Much like the nature of the ocean, grief flows in waves.”

“Neither society nor the adopter who holds the child in her arms wants to confront…”

“Never forget yesterday, but always live for today, for you never know what can tomorrow can bring or what can it take away.”

“Not I or anyone else can travel the road for you. You must travel it for yourself.”

“Perhaps some day the sun will shine again, and I shall see that still the skies are blue, and feel once more I do not live in vain, although bereft of you.”

“Say not, in grief that she has gone, but give thanks that she was yours.”

“Seek beauty in the depths of your anguish.”

“Tears are the silent language of grief.”

“Tears water our growth.”

“The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.”

“The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous.”

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”

“The peaks and valleys never stop in life.”

“There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.”

“They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite.”

“To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be destroyed.”

“We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full.”

“What dealing with death taught me about love.”

“What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, star-dust or sea-foam, flower or winged air.”

“When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways – either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength.”

“You don’t get over it, you get through it…”

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

“You were our lightning vibrant and beautiful, but all too brief.”

“You’ve got to trust yourself. Be gentle with yourself. And listen to yourself. You’re the only person who can get you through this now.”

There are various ways you can move through the grieving process.

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