35 Quotes About Planting Seeds


Having the right notions of the future will help you to plant the right seeds in the present. These quotes about planting seeds serve as the perfect example to the many options and directions you can take.

“A church leadership that cannot provide members with business ideas should stop demanding tithe from them. Plant greatness in the members and they pay greatly; Plant zero in them and they pay in negatives!”

“Blessed are you who sow. Every seed you so plant, will grow into bountiful crops for great harvest.”

“Certain plants, like certain friends, you enjoy having for a visit but do not care to see remain forever and a day.”

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

“Fall is not the end of the gardening year; it is the start of next year’s growing season.”

“Garden work consists much more in uprooting weeds than in planting seed. This applies also to teaching.”

“God’s timing determines the fruit of the harvest.”

“Good spirit, good deeds.”

“I believe in the power of love, and planting positive thought seeds into the collective consciousness.”

“I would love to get a place out in the country and spend my idle time just remodeling and planting seeds and watching them grow.”

“It is a harsh reality that some of the most important and respectable jobs which deserve high salaries might be better off with low salaries.”

“It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.”

“Let go of your old tired habits and plant new habits in fertile soil.”

“Plant in tears, harvest with joy.”

“Planting a flower in the desert takes greater skill than growing a garden in a rain forest.”

“Planting trees, I myself thought for a long time, was a feel-good thing, a nice but feeble response to our litany of modern-day environmental problems.”

“Practice is not about how you feel while you are doing it. You are planting seeds.”

“Pulling weeds and planting seeds. That’s the story of life. We are individual lots on which either weeds of selfishness or fruit of the Holy Spirit grows and flourishes.”

“Seeds you plant today determine the harvest you reap tomorrow.”

“The more you give, the more you have much to keep giving.”

“The only way to cultivate a quiet mind is by planting seeds of silence.”

“There is no regret in planting a seed of love in someone’s heart.”

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”

“Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.”

“To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds, and watch the renewal of life – this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do.”

“To see things in the seed, that is genius.”

“Today you are planting seeds to your dream. Be patient because it will be a large harvest.”

“We are mere journeymen, planting seeds for someone else to harvest.”

“We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves.”

“We discover the bumps are milpa, small mounds of earth on which complementary crops were planted. Unlike linear plowing, which encourages water runoff and soil erosion, the circular pattern traps rainfall.”

“We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt, that peace and abundance may manifest for all.”

“We’re also talking a lot in the room about planting seeds that can grow over the course of the season, knowing that people might be watching them in bulk.”

“We’re playing those mind games together, pushing the barriers, planting seeds, playing the mind guerrilla.”

“When it is time to sow, sow and when it is time to harvest, you will harvest. Obey this rule.”

“With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see.”

Using art is just one example to the type of forms and methods you can use to plant the beginning seed of something great.

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