33 Quotes About Being Numb


Being unable to connect with another human being can leave you feeling numb inside. These quote about being numb capture the type of disconnect and emotion you experience in certain aspects of life.

“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong.”

“A lecture is an occasion when you numb one end to benefit the other.”

“Because my father was an army officer, I was told to enter the military school during the war. Luckily or unluckily, one month before the entrance examination, I got polio, which made my right arm numb. It’s still numb.”

“By default, most of us have taken the dare to simply survive. Exist. Get through. For the most part, we live numb to life – we’ve grown weary and apathetic and jaded… and wounded.”

“Creating stuff is hard. But, if that terrifies you, you will just be numb, and you better just stay at home and watch TV and do something else. Move into the woods and live with the trees.”

“Dissociation, a form of hypnotic trance, helps children survive the abuse…The abuse takes on a dream-like, surreal quality and deadened feelings and altered perceptions add to the strangeness.”

“Eventually, however, the denial turned into emptiness and my childhood ended.”

“How much had I missed in these months of despair and numbness?”

“I know from my own clinical work that when people are beaten and hurt, they numb out so that they can’t feel anymore.”

“I lean to you, numb as a fossil. Tell me I’m here.”

“I learned to be with myself rather than avoiding myself with limiting habits; I started to be aware of my feelings more, rather than numb them.”

“I slide my arm from under the sleeper’s head and it is numb, full of swarming pins, on the tip of each, waiting to be counted, the fallen angels sit.”

“I wasn’t glad that I hadn’t died. And I wasn’t sad that I hadn’t. I wasn’t anything.”

“If something anticipated arrives too late it finds us numb, wrung out from waiting, and we feel – nothing at all. The best things arrive on time.”

“I’m almost numb to misogyny at this point. It’s just everywhere.”

“Normal birth to me should not be numb from the waist down and waiting for the doctor to tell you to push. There’s a reason we feel it. There’s a reason we need to feel it.”

“Oddly, the burned hand didn’t seem to hurt much anymore; it was only numb. It would have been better if there had been pain. Pain was at least real.”

“Over the years, many in the public have become numb to news of financial corruption, partly because too many of these stories involve banker-on-banker crime.”

“She had been defeated by herself alone, and the sadness of it left a dark shadow in her heart. It further sapped her confidence and left her ever more withdrawn, ever more capable of suppressing her feelings.”

“Should could no longer feel grief. She was now like a Geiger counter that had been subjected to too much radiation, no longer capable of giving any reaction, noiselessly displaying a reading of zero.”

“That’s the great paradox of living on this earth, that in the midst of great pain you can have great joy as well. If we didn’t have those things we’d just be numb.”

“The applause was so loud and insistent that I had to respond with several encores. I was numb with happiness, when it was over, I knew that this alone must be my life and my world.”

“The fact that you can love something that you’ve lost is all the incentive you need to love again, as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.”

“The fact that you can love something that’s lost is all of the incentive that you’ll ever need to love again as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.”

“There’s so many lies being told throughout the media and people just run with the lies. They’re numb to it. Too many followers, not enough leaders.”

“Threescore years and ten is enough; if a man can’t suffer all the misery he wants in that time, he must be numb.”

“Ties are straightened and expressions banished.”

“We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another’s vantage point, as if new, it may still take the breath away.”

“We use work to numb out. We can’t turn off our machines because we’re afraid we’re going to miss something.”

“What I don’t want to become numb to is wasting those taxpayer dollars.”

“You know, I think the people I feel saddest for are the ones who once knew what profoundness was, but who lost or became numb to the sensation of wonder, who felt their emotions floating away and just didn’t care.”

“You think being dead inside is bad until someone brings you back to life and stabs you in the chest without the intention of killing you.”

“You’ve faced horrors in these past weeks… I don’t know which is worse. The terror you feel the first time you witness such things, or the numbness that comes after it starts to become ordinary.”

Getting a feeling for your emotions may require some work.

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