31 Quotes About Sunday Night Blues


When you have a rough week ahead of you, the Sunday night blues may hit you. These quotes about Sunday night blues highlight some of the fun and unique characteristics we experience.

“There’s something magical about spending a Sunday night watching real people at a deli, then watching fake people pretending to be real on TV, then engaging in (arguably) false interaction with (arguably) real people on the Internet. Never at any prior point in time has this been possible.”

“A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.”

“After I’d preached a message on Sunday night, I’d print it up.”

“But nothing beats a Woody Allen film on a Sunday night, with a glass of wine and some leftovers.”

“I always got very excited about the Masters as a kid. I could hardly wait until the Wednesday when you’d get the BBC’s preview. And I’d then be glued to the screen until Sunday night.”

“I have a weekly playlist on Spotify called Mixtape Mondays. So every Sunday night, I sit around listening to tunes to place. It’s becoming my favorite part of the week.”

“I live in Spain. Oscars are something that are on TV Sunday night. Basically, very late at night. You don’t watch, you just read the news after who won or who lost.”

“I never manage to get to bed early on Sunday night but this doesn’t matter, as I don’t know one level of exhaustion from another.”

“I sang the ‘Sunday Night Football’ theme song two years in a row – my first part in American culture, although I still don’t know anything about American football.”

“I save everything up until Sunday night because if I start sending emails on Saturday afternoon, then people have to start responding to me on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.”

“I started doing a half-hour Sunday night talk show on college radio station KUNV. That excited me more than anything I’d ever done. I went through the Yellow Pages to find people who seemed interesting. I’d goof on these people, but they were so excited to be on the radio that they didn’t even notice.”

“I usually take the first batch of some ice cream, eat it, and then about an hour later, at halftime of the Sunday night game, I go after a second serving. So I pretty much get a whole gallon of ice cream Sunday night. It’s pretty bad.”

“I was raised in an evangelical Methodist church. Evangelical meant that though you had been baptized and made a member of the church on Sunday morning, you still had to be ‘saved’ on Sunday night. I wanted to be saved, but I did not think you should fake it.”

“I’d like to do a kind of ‘Sunday Night At The Palladium’-style variety show on the BBC.”

“It takes more than driving to become an IndyCar driver. Gone are the days when drivers show up Friday morning and go home Sunday night. We’re all integral to our partnerships, commercially, motorsports. We’re as much champions in the boardroom as we are on the racetrack.”

“I’ve got my huge Greek family. I mean, I don’t know how many cousins I have – I can’t even keep track. There are just so many of us, and we love all Greek food – we have Greek night every Sunday night.”

“My mother doesn’t cook; my grandmother didn’t cook. Her kids were raised by servants. They would joke about Sunday night dinner. It was the only night she would cook, and apparently it was just horrendous, like scrambled eggs and Campbell’s soup.”

“Older boys were allowed to beat younger ones at my 15th-century English boarding school, and every boy had to run a five-mile annual steeplechase through the sludge and rain of an October day, as horses do. We wrote poems in dead languages and recited the Lord’s Prayer in
Latin every Sunday night.”

“On Sunday night, my husband makes a five-course family dinner.”

“Puppet Papademos is in place, and as Athens caught fire on Sunday night he rather took my breath away – he said violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country.”

“Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it’s even begun.”

“Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”

“Sunday night I always cook if I can – if I’m home, I always cook.”

“Sunday night was such a big night for television when I was growing up – you know, ‘The Wonderful World of Disney.'”

“The Steve Allen Sunday night show had the right to two options after my first performance.”

“There came to port last Sunday night the queerest little craft, without an inch of rigging on; I looked and looked – and laughed. It seemed so curious that she should cross the unknown water, and moor herself within my room – my daughter! O my daughter!”

“Thursday night football is here to stay. So we’re looking at ways to make it safer. Now they’re playing division games, so you limit travel. Now the question is, should you play Sunday night before a Thursday night?”

“We are on Sunday night because that is where they put us 30 odd years ago. I think we became a habit.”

“When I was a kid, our family used to watch ‘Bonanza.’ I really liked having a Sunday night TV ritual.”

“Wherever I am in the world, I never get Sunday night blues. I suppose it’s because I’ve never worked at any one thing long enough to start hating it.”

“You know what we say in the Hamptons: If you have to come out on a Friday afternoon or go back on a Sunday night, you’re not rich enough to have a house there. So, you have to be able to come and go when you feel like it in the Hamptons.”

There are many ways you can cure your Sunday Night Blues and get ready for the new week.

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