Tips for A Successful 2020


The new year has just begun and we have drawn up a few worthy goals to achieve before the year comes to a close.   How many times have we planned these transformative goals for ourselves and have found that we totally mismanaged the time and could not accomplish whatever we set out to do?.  Usually the reasons falls into one of these categories  – time mismanagement,  lack of energy, self doubt or simply a lack of a firm commitment.   Most of the these can easily fixed by committing ourselves to doing a few simple changes that can be easily accommodated in the busiest of schedules.

Accomplishing these goals makes us happy and confident about our ability to fulfill them regardless of the obstacles that may come in the way.  After all, where is the euphoria of accomplishment if challenges did not present themselves in completely unexpected ways? If everything came easy, perhaps we would die of boredom.

When we set ourselves to accomplish something that is currently larger than who we are right now,  the journey become worth the time and effort spent and the arrival at the destination fills us with elation.   For us to be successful the platform upon which we build our goals should be stable.  When we first think about what we want to achieve for ourselves, we become enthusiastic as we think about how it feels to accomplish it.  However there is a still a distance between possibility and reality.  It is at the time we walk the distance to reach that  possibility is when we falter and many a times give up because challenges become too hard to overcome.

Having a clear vision of what you want for yourself is a first step. Deeply reflect and see if this is what you really want for yourself.  Goals driven by peer pressure or external influences usually fall off the radar.  After you have firmed up your goals, it is time to start working on them.

The next step is infusing your initial enthusiasm with commitment.   What does this entail?  Break up your goals into smaller activities and commit yourself to doing tasks pertaining to that activity.  Each time you complete a task give yourself a pat on the back and reflect upon how you went about fulfilling the commitment, despite all the distractions of the day.  In this way you can keep moving forward one step at a time.

Most successful people that we know maintain a certain discipline of when they wake up in the morning, what they want to do on a given day and how they want to end the day. They usually have an extreme focus on the task/activities they want to complete for that day. They operate with a sense of control over themselves and dictate the order of the day for themselves.   Building that kind of  discipline takes time, but taking stock of the things that distract you and overcoming the need to indulge in these distraction keeps you focused.

To do all of the above make sure that you eat a wholesome diet and get proper rest to sustain the energy levels needed.  Finally the basic tenet upon which you build your goal is joyfulness.  Make a choice to be joyful every day.

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