Tips for Good Mental Health


Good mental health is vital for our overall health and wellbeing.  Globally, one in eight people suffer from some form of mental health condition.  The World Health Organization observes “World Mental Health Day” with the theme “Mental health is a universal human right” to raise awareness of this crisis especially after the pandemic.

One major factor that has contributed to increased mental issues is the social isolation resulting from the pandemic.  Loneliness, fear of death of oneself and family members, job loss, financial stresses, lack of ability to engage in the communities has caused increased stress, anxiety and depression.  This has affected both adults and adolescents.

Unlike physical illness which has visible symptoms, the signs of mental illness are hard to see.  That is why it is so important to be aware of how we are feeling and thinking as this impacts every aspect of our life – work, relationships and day to day living.  According to Mental Health Foundation anxiety disorder is the most common form of mental illness. Insomnia, agitation, loss of appetite, social withdrawal, emotional numbness, inability to concentrate, fear, anxiety etc are some of the symptoms and vary from person to person.

To add to this there is also social stigma associated with mental illness. Due to this many people don’t talk about how they are feeling and don’t actively seek help.  So, it is important for loved ones and friends to reach out and talk when they see behaviors that are different.

There are a few simple things one can do to enjoy good mental and physical health.  “Healthy body, healthy mind” is an adage that holds true for all times. Self-care actions can lessen stress and anxiety and bring health, peace and joy in one’s life.  Below are a few simple actions one can take towards their wellbeing.

  • Yoga and meditation:  Regular yoga and meditation reduces stress and anxiety, speeds up the detoxification process and creates balance and harmony within. Doing deep breathing and meditation for short periods of time during the day brings relaxation and calmness.
  • Diet: Many people resort to unhealthy ways of coping with stress and anxiety as in eating junk or processed foods, foods with added sugar, stimulants etc.  Eating fresh fruit and vegetables that are rich in nutrients greatly improves overall health and well-being.
  • Sleep: Getting adequate sleep and rest is critical especially when the external environment is stressful.  Having a good sleep routine where you are sleeping and waking at similar times each day heals the body and mind.  Blue light from the phones and electronics keeps us awake for longer during the night. Stopping electronic usage an hour before bedtime ensures sound and restful sleep.
  • Movement: Regular physical activity improves the mood. Incorporating walks in nature, stretching the muscles a few times in the day improves blood flow, increases energy and makes the mind alert.
  • Music: Listening to calming music is a wonderful way to relax and rejuvenate. Music can help with processing emotions more effectively, reducing stress levels and improving overall well-being.

Below is a simple, short and powerful practice that cleans the nadis (the pathways through the pranic energy flows) resulting in balanced system and psychological wellbeing.





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