Spiritual Quotes Appear at the Right Time


The first sentence of M. Scott Peck’s famous book, The Road Less Traveled, sums it up- “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.” Life sure has its ups and downs. Sometimes the only way to maneuver through is to connect to something bigger than ourselves.

The word spirituality means many things to many people. One aspect of living a spiritual life is to find meaning and lessons in all of life’s experiences. Those on the spiritual path might start to ask bigger questions such as: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Some may even turn to reading uplifting and inspiring quotes.

Quotes have a way to help us feel better as the words gives us hope that everything will be ok. A quote often shows up at the perfect time and after reading it, one instantly feels his or her faith restored. Some people even print out quotes and tape them to bathroom mirrors, refrigerators, and car dashboards.

When one starts to awaken and walk the spiritual path, it might sometimes feel difficult and lonely. One may even think that being spiritual means no more hardships. This is not always true.


The journey of life gives us exactly what we need at the right moment. How we handle our life is what matters in the end. When we are able to quickly get back up after being knocked down, then we know we are making some progress. Try not to live in fear. Fear only holds us back from living a life true to ourselves.


Remember, nothing in the external world will bring us happiness. Only when we turn inward and start to focus on managing our internal energies will we experience true happiness.


The road ahead is often long and we do not know what will happen. If we have tools such as yoga and meditation practices then we will be able to better handle stressful situations. At times we may want to give up and go back to our old life and to how we used to be.

Once we experience another dimension of life, there is no going back. We need to always keep our focus and be patient and believe that whatever is happening in our life is for a reason. When you feel down, trust that the right spiritual quotes will appear to lift you back up.


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