The Gayatri Mantra
Much has been written and said about the Gayatri Mantra, also referred to as the Savitri Mantra. This is because it is said to...
Turn inward with one simple step, every day
It’s a refrain we’ve heard often enough – “Do it everyday for it to make a meaningful impact in your life”. “Consistency bears fruit’....
An Evergreen Mind
When a child is born, it comes into this world with an evergreen mind, bearing only the comfort of its mother’s beating heart. However,...
Opportunity is Knocking
When change is stimulated from the outside it is generally seen as negative. Think being fired or being broken up with as opposed to...
Why Am I Bored?
Even higher than the cases of viral infections, especially now more than ever, boredom is a pandemic of its own. It’s passed off as...
Alone Vs Loneliness
As the world buckles down to get through the challenging times ahead, growing fears plague several experts – How are people dealing with the...
The Stature of Words
The words of any language are a complex set of sounds, or written alphabets or symbols. Languages throughout the world have the unique distinction...
Diversified Investment Portfolio: “Returns” of “MySelf” stock
The stock market was volatile. There was a pandemonium and uproar in the market. The market sentiment was sending messages of skepticism and confusion....
Fantasy or Fiction
When we see Planet Earth from outer space through the lenses of science and space technology, we lose sight of the creation of the...
Challenging Times and the Seeker
It’s really interesting to see how spiritual seekers react in challenging times. When everything is going well, it’s easy to claim to be spiritual. ...
Escaping the “Trap”
Whether it be making the grade in school, making the basketball team, getting into the right college, getting that job, getting that girl or...
Do you need a Guru?
In the midst of life, we are in doubt. Just when we think we have scaled a particularly troublesome mountain, or crossed a remarkably...