How to Breathe in Yoga


Yoga is a fitness style that is meant to be relaxing, but still allows you to work out your entire body. It is a fitness regimen that is very popular with people of ages because it allows for real fitness results. There are many things that you need to perfect when you begin yoga, but breathing is one of the first things that you need to get under control. This means that you need to learn how to breathe most effectively when you are doing your different yoga poses. This will enable you to have a yoga workout that is most effective. There are a few breathing tips that you can follow if you want to be sure that you are breathing in the best way possible. Here is everything that you need to know about breathing and yoga.

Begin With Deep Breaths

The first thing that you need to do when you begin your yoga practice is to make sure that you are beginning with six deep breaths. This will always help to center you. Always make sure that when you are taking big deep breaths that you breathe from your stomach. You always want to breathe from your stomach region instead of breathing from your chest. This is something that you need to learn early on if you want to have success with yoga.


The key to breathing in when you are doing yoga is to think of your stomach as a balloon. this means that when you are breathing in, you want to be inhaling to help your balloon expand. This means that when you do breathe out that your stomach should then begin to deflate like a balloon. This is a great image that you should keep in mind when you are trying to breathe the right way when you are doing your different yoga poses. Always keep the image of a balloon in your mind.

Even Breathing

When you are not doing your deep breathing exercises during your poses, you need to remember to breathe evenly. This is the best way that you should approach breathing during yoga. This means that not all of your breathing should be exaggerated when you are working out. It should only be in the middle of the yoga poses when you are breathing in deep and exaggerating your exhale. Breathing can be simple when you are doing yoga if you know the right technique.

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