How to Grieve the Loss of a Relationship


No matter who ended your relationship, coming to grips with the fact that it’s over can be really difficult. It’s perfectly normal and healthy to spend time mourning the end of your relationship and figuring out who you are now that you’re alone. If you find yourself in this position there are a few ways to grieve in a healthy manner that will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Take Time to Mourn

You’re not just missing the person, you’re also missing the stability they gave you, the routine you enjoyed together, and the comfort of knowing that they were always there. It’s important to accept these feelings as natural and not to try to cover them up by acting out. Try to avoid risky behaviors, as later you will feel guilty about those and will have to work through those feelings too.

Focus on You

This will look different for everyone, but now that you’re no longer in a relationship it’s time to focus on yourself and spend some time doing what you want. Maybe you want to rekindle old friendships or look into a new hobby. Whatever it is, allow yourself to do what it is that makes you happy.

Allow Anger

People often talk about anger like it’s unhealthy, but it actually is a perfectly normal reaction to a relationship ending. If you feel like you were wronged then you need to allow that anger. Feel it, figure out why you’re feeling it, and then let it go. This can take a lot of time, but one thing that will help is to not make contact with your old partner. Don’t check Facebook, Instragram, or Twitter, and certainly don’t try to text or call them.

Feel Sorry for Yourself

Moping doesn’t stay fun for long, but allowing yourself to eat the ice cream or watching sappy movies all day in your pjs is a great way to let your subconscious work through your emotions. While you’re letting yourself be sad you can spend energy on those emotions now instead of having to deal with them down the road.

Have Fun

While you’re busy grieving, life is moving on without you. After you have gone through the steps above, remember that life is worth living. Call some friends or family and make plans. Do what you love. Although the relationship is over, your life isn’t, and the best way to take care of yourself after a hard breakup is to love yourself and your life.

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