How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher Training Program


Ever think about becoming a yoga teacher? Perhaps you thought about it, but quickly shut down the idea, since you are not sure how to get started. Maybe the idea of teaching to a large group of students scares you. Don’t worry. All of these concerns are normal, but will quickly subside once you learn more about all the options.

Here are some ideas on how to find the right yoga teacher training program.

1. It is important to know what type of yoga you prefer. Do you like hot power yoga? Perhaps a vinyasa flow class is appealing to you. Maybe you prefer more traditional yoga such as hatha or ashtanga. Knowing what type of yoga you like is the most important aspect of choosing a program. No sense taking a hot power yoga teacher program if you don’t like the heat.

2. Once you determine the type of yoga, you can start to answer these questions. Can you take a one to two month intensive or do you need to hold a full-time job and go to teacher training on the weekends? Another question to consider is are you interested to travel and do a teacher training program in a foreign country? Your answers to these questions will depend on your current work, living, and family situation.

3. If you are flexible with your schedule, have two months of time, and are interested to travel, then finding a program in India might be of interest. The benefits are that you will be involved in the daily, spiritual life of India. This cultural immersion cannot be replicated in other countries. Most often, the type of yoga you will learn will be traditional yoga along with mudras, pranayama, and yoga philosophy.

4. If you decide to attend a program that is outside of your home community, then be sure to do a little more research. You might want to ask the coordinators to see the syllabus, ask about the teachers, and also about the history. If possible, read the reviews and maybe even speak to some former students.

5. Make sure that the program you attend is Yoga Alliance certified. Having this certification sets the bar and it means that you will receive a certain level of training that is acceptable for teaching in America.

All blossoming yoga teachers land in the program that is right for them. Completing a yoga teacher training program is life-changing. Some people decide that they do not want to teach right away. That is ok. What matters most is that you do a program that feels right to you. Enjoy each moment of the program and don’t worry about what will happen afterwards. Bond with the other students and simply know that your life will never be the same.

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